Why Jesus is most likely to be Odin — КиберПедия 

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Why Jesus is most likely to be Odin

2022-09-01 31
Why Jesus is most likely to be Odin 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Posted on June 2, 2019by bullfrogr

1) Fenrir kills Odin, and as we see from my investigation, it is true;

2) Wine and poetry as Odin’s features;

3) Hlidskjalf, a Watch-Tower of Odin – Sauron’s Tower, Mimir’s well and number 9 – these are signs from my past lives (Lennon – Peace Tower, Mimi Smith and repeated number 9)

4) They sent me a man with a raven and number 9 by water, also talked about Odin in EVPs.

5) Another thing is that Odin means “one” in Russian. As I tweeted, they symbolically cut out one’s own eye – kill anything dear to them to be the first. So Odin metaphorically means the first and the only god. But it’s an indication to the possibility of Fenrir to become Odin.

6) A legend where Odin hung from a tree – might be, subconsciously pointing at Jesus.



Most likely, “Odin” as a mythological construction denotes the likeness to Jesus, because Jesus really existed and was the main conscious Universe’ representative. (at that time)

Two quotes that make sense

Posted on February 12, 2019by bullfrogr

The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will never again leave it. Upon him I will write the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God (the new Jerusalem that comes down out of heaven from My God), and My new name.

(Revelation 3:12)


33. Второе рождение сего мира состоит в жизни, ибо это есть звездное рождение, из которого рождается третье и святое рождение и в котором борются между собою любовь и гнев. Ибо второе рождение состоит из семи неточных духов сего мира и оно таково во всех концах и во всех тварях, а равно и в человеке, но Дух Святой господствует также и во втором рождении и помогает рождать третье, святое, рождение.

66. Придет к нему простой человек, не могущий хорошенько оградить себя, он тотчас разделается с ним как с собакою; имеет ли кто-то дело до него, прав остается тот, кто покажется ему знатнее. Угадай же, друг, каков ты, ангельский князь? В следующей главе, где описано падение диавола, ты найдешь свое зеркало, поглядись тогда в него.

(Якоб Беме, Аврора, или Утренняя заря в восхождении)

Another useful quote (prophecies about mirrors and a cipher)

Posted on March 28, 2019by bullfrogr

The third personality, mentioned many times by me, has not in your terms yet
appeared, although his existence has been prophesied as the “Second Coming”. Now these prophecies were given in terms of the current culture at that time, and therefore, while the stage has been set, the distortions are deplorable, for this Christ will not come at the end of your world as the prophecies have been maintaining.

He will not come to reward the righteous and send evildoers to eternal doom. He will, however, begin a new religious drama. A certain historical continuity will be maintained. As happened once before, however, he will not be generally known for who he is. There will be no glorious proclamation to which the whole world will bow. He will return to straighten out Christianity, which will be in a shambles at the time of his arrival, and to set up a new system of thought when the world is sorely in need of one.

By that time, all religions will be in severe crisis. He will undermine religious
organizations – not unite them. His message will be that of the individual in relation to All That Is. He will clearly state methods by which each individual can attain a state of intimate contact with his own entity; the entity to some extent being man’s mediator with All That Is.

By 2075, all of this will be already accomplished.

The third personality of Christ will indeed be known as a great psychic, for it is he
who will teach humanity to use those inner senses that alone make true spirituality
possible. Slayers and victims will change roles as reincarnational memories rise to the surface of consciousness. Through the development of these abilities, the sacredness of all life will be intimately recognized and appreciated.

(Jane Roberts – Seth Speaks)

My spiritual experience

Posted on June 19, 2018by bullfrogr


“I guess I’ll write a post about some of my spiritual experience. Not making a point of fighting for any religion, but analysing some facts&its possible explanations. I’m doubtful about everythin. But I want to prove that living life as if we’re in the Matrix is a valid worldview!:)”


I indeed think it would be proper if I explain why I got more inclined to a mystic explanation of the world.


Once in 1993 or 1994 I almost died. They had to cut out some swellings in my throat. It was the first time I met New Year in the hospital. Then I dimly recall me flying above the operating table watching surgeons. It was scary. There might be another world… but my memories are vague. It might be as well that I had been dreaming during the anesthesia.


Actually I recall little of my childhood. Only constant illnesses. I recall a Jewish surgeon who saved my life… he was a chess player too, god bless his soul as he died in 2010… I still keep a blue-haired doll I was given in the hospital. I had never been close to other kids.. often too sick to attend school. So I used to sit in my room and read books that were at home. I learned to read at five. I had been admitted to an adult library at about thirteen, as I had been their best reader since childhood. In my room I liked to make tiny books with pics of favourite actors, interesting poems… also I used to be interested in past lives since I had been eight years old (guess it happened after that surgery in December 1993 or around that time). I collected stories about reincarnation and glued it to my notes. Then I got troubled about my passion for violence and maniacs since childhood. I supposed I died in some violent death in previous life or that I had been a murderer myself, or both. Some pictures drawn by me at the age of eight made me think so. I always felt guilty, not sure why.


Later in life I seemed to meet not many miracles. But I had prophetic dreams two times in my life. The first time when I was a kid, I saw in a dream – my grandmother’s fence burning at her dacha. The next morning we learned that the fence actually burned and some neighbour’s chickens too. Another time it was much later, in my youth. I saw in my dream that my father died. In several days he got sick with cancer and eventually died in a year. But such dreams could be explained by coincidences.


Another strange thing happened when I was sixteen. At that time I started having some deja vu. I used to listen to some songs and guess the lyrics without knowing it before. It happened several times, as I didn’t count such occasions for any purpose and soon forgot about it. Not sure if the lyrics were too simple to guess. Once at school I was very afraid of number 6,8. Two year later my grandmother died at 68.


Other weird things started to happen lately. Two times I’ve noticed that I look at some objects and then they fall. Usually it happened in department stores. It might have been that they were unsteady on their shelves. Another time it was a lid jumping in the kitchen as I looked at it. But I was near it and could make the table shaky by my hand’s movement.


Also I value the fact that I solved lots of my mental issues by studying spirituality. But I don’t insist on my views. I see that my experience as well might be explained by coincidences and other reasons. So it might be just a lunatic’s ruminations.


Then I think, it doesn’t matter actually. If the spiritual world exists – well, good. If it doesn’t exist – what do we lose? This meaningless life that has no purpose and that can be ended every second? We indeed are living in an artificial world we’ve been creating by our brains. Everyone in one’s own world. It doesn’t matter if I’m right or not, as in a hundred of years it wouldn’t matter anyway – humanity might perish and the people living nowadays will most likely die from old age. Even the absence of physical death wouldn’t have made this world more meaningful. But a psychotic world with its aims and ideas seems preferable to me.



Paranormal events that occurred during my research

Posted on March 3, 2020by bullfrogr

1) little facts telling about someone’s presence around: my chair rug was displaced thrice, one EVP audiofile was sent to my mobile just by itself, the feeling of someone’s presence by different senses;

2) facts about telepathy: like me talking to a mentally ill girl in the hospital, I was talking in my head and she was talking aloud; also she was disappearing in one place of the ward and appearing in another; many coincidences between my thoughts and Internet search engines news feed; coincidences between my thoughts and the thoughts of people I took special interest in.

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