Airport personell персонал аэропорта — КиберПедия 

Историки об Елизавете Петровне: Елизавета попала между двумя встречными культурными течениями, воспитывалась среди новых европейских веяний и преданий...

Эмиссия газов от очистных сооружений канализации: В последние годы внимание мирового сообщества сосредоточено на экологических проблемах...

Airport personell персонал аэропорта

2017-05-23 246
Airport personell персонал аэропорта 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Airport аэропорт

Terminal аэровокзал, терминал

Booking office билетная касса

International booking office международная билетная касса

Check-in desk (counter) стойка регистрации

Information Справочное бюро

Сustoms and Immigration Control Таможенный и Паспортный контроль

Security checkpoint - контрольно-пропускной пункт

Immigration Иммиграционная служба

Passport control Паспортный контроль

Customs таможня

Green/red channel Зеленый/красный коридор

Security check(point) Проверка органами безопасности

Waiting area - зонa ожидания

Departure Lounge зал перед выходом на посадку

Departures board Табло

Departure gate Выход (на посадку в самолет)

Arrival-room зал прибытия

Departure-room зал отбытия

Gate, gateway выход на посадку

Runway - взлетно-посадочная полоса

Schedule Расписание

Arrival and departure monitor - монитор вылетов и прилетов

Baggage Claim Получение багажа

Baggage carousel - багажный транспортер

Baggage claim area - зонa получения багажа

Conveyer belt ленточный конвейер

Duty-free магазин беспошлинной торговли

Gift shop - сувенирный магазин

Washroom, men's room (для мужчин), ladies' room (для дам). туалет

Currency Exchange "Обмен валюты"

Foreign exchange office пункт обмена иностранной валюты

Concession stand/snack bar закусочная

Сafe кафе

Parking стоянка

Control tower диспетчерская вышка



Ticket agent кассир билетной кассы

Customs Officer cлужащий таможни

Security guard охранник

Immigration officer cотрудник иммиграционной службы

Boarding clerk дежурный по посадке

Crew экипаж

Stewardess стюардесса

Flight attendant бортпроводник

Flight engineer бортинженер

Pilot/captain пилот

Co-pilot второй пилот


Aircraft, plane самолет

Aisle проход

Aisle seat место возле прохода

Middle seat среднее сидение

Window seat cиденье у окна

Vacant seat свободное место

Row ряд

Crew экипаж

Armrest подлокотник

On board the plane на борту самолета

Emergency exit аварийный выход

Lavatory туалет

Overhead compartment багажная полка

Gate вход /выход

Seat belt ремень безопасности

Fasten Seat Belt sign сигнал "Пристегните ремни"

Life vest спасательный жилет

Oxygen mask кислородная маска

Air sickness bag мешок при воздушной болезни

Call button кнопкa вызова

Seat pocket карман кресла

Complimentary, free бесплатный

Blanket одеяло

Headset, earphonesнаушники

Tray поднос

Refreshments еда и напитки

Bumpy, rough тряска

Co-pilot второй пилот

Emergency instruction card инструкция по поведению в чрезвычайных ситуациях

No Smoking sign сигнал "Не курить"

Paper bag бумажный пакет

Turbulence турбулентность

Cockpit кабина летчика

Fuselage фюзеляж

Galley камбуз

Cargo door грузовой люк

Tail хвост

Wing крыло

Landing gear шасси

Pilot/captain пилот

Soft drink безалкогольный напиток

Infected passenger инфицированный пассажир



Airfare цена билета

Book бронировать

Reservation, booking бронирование

Business class бизнес класс

Economy class эконом класс

First class первый класс

Check-in time время регистрации

Confirmation, acknowledgement подтверждение

Credit card кредитная карточка

Cancellation аннулирование

Overbooked переполненный

In cash or by credit card наличными или кредитной карточкой

Open date ticket билет с открытой датой

Flight рейс

Charter (hourly) flight чартерный рейс

Passenger пассажир

Transit passenger транзитный пассажир

Tariff тариф

Request запрос

Destination место назначения

Signature подпись

Stamp (seal) печать

Passport паспорт

Identity удостоверение личности

Ticket билет

Expired недействительный (просроченный)

Aisle seat место возле прохода

Middle seat среднее сидение

Window seat cиденье у окна


Luggage, baggage багаж

Hand luggage/Carry-on luggage ручная кладь

Bag, travel bag дорожная сумка

Case чемодан или дипломат

Notebook портативный компьютер

Rucksack рюкзак

Plastic bag полиэтиленовый пакет

Baggage cart багажная тележка

Luggage carrier, trolley тележка

To weigh взвешивать

Weight вес

Scale(s) весы

Excess weight вес багажа сверхустановленной нормы

Excess weight, overweight перевес

Tag бирка

Luggage tags/labels бирки на багаже

Baggage claim check багажный талон

Baggage Claim получение багажа

Baggage carousel - багажный транспортер

Baggage claim area - зонa получения багажа

Loss of baggage (luggage) утеря багажа

Liquids жидкость

Restricted items запрещенные вещи


Customs declaration form таможенная декларация

Declare декларировать

Purpose (goal) of flight цель полета

Immigration officer сотрудник иммиграционной службы

Green/red channel Зеленый/красный коридор


Boarding посадка пассажиров

Boarding pass посадочный талон

Departure вылет

Delay on the flight задержка рейса

Reason of delay причина задержки

Weather conditions погодные условия

Weather report метеосводка

Transportation of VIP passengers перевозка пассажиров VIP

Take-off взлет



Arrival прибытие

Rerouting изменение маршрута

Change in schedule изменение расписания

Delay задержка

Landing посадка

Fueling заправка топливом

Reason of delay причина задержки

Stop-over промежуточная остановка

Technical landing техническая посадка

Technical landing for refueling техническая посадка для дозаправки

Unload выгружать (груз)

Exchange rate курс обмена валют

local currency местная валюта

jet lag усталость из-за смены часовых поясов


I'd like to reserve two seats to New York. Мне нужно два билета до Нью Йорка

Will that be one way or round trip? Билет в один конец или туда и обратно?

How much is a round trip ticket? Сколько стоит билет туда и обратно?

It's $819. Will you pay by check or by credit card? 819$ Вы будете платить чеком или картой?

Here's my Visa Card. Вот Моя Виза.

Can we get an aisle seat please? Можно место у прохода?

You can choose your seat when you check in. Место можно выбрать при регистрации


Ticket please. Ваш билет, пожалуйста.
May I see your ticket? Можно Ваш билет?
Do you have ane-ticket? У Вас электронный билет?
Can I see your passport? Можно Ваш паспорт?
Do you have some photo ID? У Вас есть удостоверение личности с фото?
I'm afraid your passport has expired. Боюсь, Ваш паспорт недействителен.

Do you have a second piece of identification? У Вас есть другое удостоверение личности?

I'll need to see your child's birth certificate. Мне нужны свидетельства о рождении детей.

I'm afraid that bag exceeds the size restrictions. Ваша сумка слишком большая.

Did you need any tags for your luggage? Вам нужны бирки на багаж?

Did you pack these bags yourself? Вы сами упаковывали свой багаж?
Have you left these bags unattended? Оставляли ли Вы свой багаж без присмотра?
Does the luggage belong to you? Этот багаж принадлежит Вам?
Have you been with your bags the whole time? Всё ли время Ваш багаж был при Вас?
Has anyone given you anything to take on the flight?
Дал ли вам кто-либо что- либо с

собой в самолёт?
How many bags do you have to check in? Сколько сумок Вы регистрируете?
How many bags are you checking?
Сколько сумок Вы регистрируете?

Do you have any hand luggage? У Вас есть ручная кладь?

Do you have a carry-on bag?У Вас есть ручная кладь?

Do you require special assistance? Нужна ли Вам специальная помощь, (для инвалидов)

Have you paid your airport improvement fee/tax? Вы заплатили «самолётный сбор»?
Are you carrying any restricted items? Вы везете что-либо запрещенное?

Would you like an aisle seat or a window seat? Вы хотите место у прохода или у окна? Your flight is expected to take off on time. Ваш рейс будет вовремя.

Your flight has been delayed by one hour. Ваш рейс задерживается на час.

Flight 87B to Toronto has been canceled. Рейс 87Bдо Торонто отменён.

I'm afraid you're too late to check-in. Боюсь, Вы опоздали на регистрацию.

Your flight is overbooked. Ваш рейс переполнен.

Would you be interested in giving up your seat? Вы хотите отказаться от места?

You're in seats 27B and 27C. Ваши места 27B и 27C

Your gate number is … and your flight boards at …. Номер выхода на посадку …

Go to Gate A8, straight ahead then turn left. Идите к выходу 8, прямо, затем налево.

Enjoy your flight. Наслаждайтесь полетом!

Please be at the gate thirty minutes before your scheduled flight. Пожалуйста, будьте у выхода на посадку за 30 минут до рейса.




Please proceed to customs. Пожалуйста, проходите на таможенный контроль

May I see your passport please? Можно Ваш паспорт?
Yes, here it is. Да, вот он.

Where did you fly from? Откуда Вы летите?
I flew from Delhi. Я лечу из Дели.

What is the purpose of your visit? Какова цель Вашего визита?
Business or pleasure? Вы по делам или ради удовольствия?

I'm here on business. Я лечу по делу.

How long are you planning to stay? Сколько Вы планируете оставаться в стране?
I'll be staying for two weeks. Я останусь здесь на 2 недели.

Where will you be staying? Где Вы остановитесь?
I'll be staying at a hotel. Я остановлюсь в отеле.

Have you ever been to America before? Вы раньше бывали в США?
No, this is my first time. Нет, это мой первый визит.

Do you have anything to declare? У Вас есть что задекларировать?
No, I don't. Нет.


Boarding pass, please. Посадочный талон, пожалуйста.
ID please. Удостоверение личности (с фото)
Spread your arms out please. Протяните руки в стороны

Take your shoes off. Снимите обувь.
Open your bag. Откройте сумку
Take off/remove your belt. Снимите ремень
Do you have any change in your pockets? У Вас есть мелочь в карманах?
Do you have any metals? У вас есть что-то металлическое?
Do you have any food/produce? У вас есть пищевые продукты?
Do you have any liquids or medicine? У Вас есть жидкости или лекарства?
Walk through. Пройдите через детектор.
You must dump all food or beverages. Выбросите еду и напитки.


Your boarding pass? Please. Посадочный талон, пожалуйста.

Flight is boarding. Производится посадка на рейс.


Your baggage is overweight. У Вас перевес багажа.

Your carry-on luggage is too large. Ваша ручная кладь слишком большая.

Your ticket is expired. Ваш билет недействителен.
Your passport is expired. Ваш паспорт недействителен
Your flight is delayed. Ваш рейс был отложен

Your flight has been cancelled. Ваш рейс был отменён.
Your connecting flight/connection has been cancelled/is delayed.

Ваш пересадочный рейс был отменен \ отложен..


A: Welcome to Canada. May I see your passport please?

B: Sure. Here it is.

A: Where are you coming from?

B: I'm coming from Seoul, Korea.

A: What is the purpose of your visit?

B: I'm here on business.

A: How long are you planning to stay?

B: I'll be staying for three weeks.

A: Where will you be staying?

B: I'll be staying at a hotel.

A: Have you ever been to Canada before?

B: No, this is my first time.

A: Do you have anything to declare?

B: No, nothing.

A: Enjoy your stay.

B: Thank you.


At flights airport

Ranjan has arrived at the flights airport to catch flight B A 201 to Calcutta.

Ranjan: porter! Porter?

Porter: Yes sir. Only one bag? What flight and flights airlines sir?

Ranjan: Domestic travel to Calcutta.

Porter: This way sir. Please pay Re 10 for porterage at the airline ticket booking counter.

Porter: airline luggage counter One piece sir? Here is your travel baggage ticket?

Rajan: (To the porter). Has the flight to Calcutta been called yet?

Porter: Yes sir. Please stand in that line and wait for your turn.


Sample Conversation

Check-in Assistant: Hello. Are you flying to St. Martin today?
Passenger: Yes, I have my ticket here.
Check-in Assistant: Great. I'll need to see your passport as well.
Passenger: I have an e-ticket. this the part you need?
Check-in Assistant: Actually I just need your name and I can find you on the computer.
Passenger: Oh OK. It's Bates. Frank Bates.
Check-in Assistant: Great. Here we are. Oh, you're traveling with an infant today.
Passenger: Yes, my daughter Mia. She's 14 months.
Check-in Assistant: Okay. I'll need to see your daughter's birth certificate to prove that she is under two years of age.
Passenger: Here you are. Say, would we be able to get an aisle seat? I may have to walk her around if she gets fussy.
Check-in Assistant: Sure. I'll put you near the washroom too.
Passenger: Thanks. Can I take my stroller to the gate?
Check-in Assistant: Yes, we'll check it in the over-sized luggage after you board. Are you just checking these two bags today?
Passenger: Yes, I'll take my knapsack as my carry-on.
Check-in Assistant: Did you pack these bags yourself?
Passenger: Yes.
Check-in Assistant: Okay. Here is your boarding pass. Be at the gate one hour prior to boarding time. You will be able to preboard because you are traveling with an infant. Our flight crew will have some special instructions for take-off and landing.

At a travel agency


Agent: May I help you?

Nancy: Yes, I need a ticket to Paris.

Agent: One way or round trip?

Nancy: Round trip.

Agent: When will you be leaving?

Nancy: Next month, the 2nd. I prefer a morning flight.

Agent: Do you want any particular airline?

Nancy: No, but I do want to go business class and have a direct flight.

Agent: When will you be returning?

Nancy: I want to return on the 15th of next month.

Agent: Let me check the computer. Yes, there is a flight available on Blue Skies Air Ways. The tickets will cost

$ 1645.

Nancy: Sounds good, book it.

Agent: Thank you. You can pick up your tickets at this office on the 28th.

Nancy: Thanks.

At the airport check-in


Nancy: Hello

Agent: Hello. May I have your ticket and passport?

Nancy: Yes, here they are.

Agent: How many pieces of luggage will you be checking in?

Nancy: Just one, I also have one carry on bag.

Agent: Your luggage is two kilos over the limit. You will have to pay an extra charge of $100.

Nancy: No problem. Is cash OK?

Agent: Certainly.

Nancy: Here you go.

Agent: Thank you, have a nice flight.

Nancy: Thanks.

At Customs


Agent: Welcome to Paris. Do you have anything to declare?

Nancy: No.

Agent: Could you open your bag please?

Nancy: Sure, is everything OK?

Agent: Yes ma’am, enjoy you stay in Paris.

Nancy: Thanks.

A: "Welcome. May I have your tickets?"
B: "Here you go."
A: "Is anybody else traveling with you two?"
B: "No. It's just us."
A: "Do you have your passports with you?"
B: "Yes. Here it is."
A: "I'm going to ask you a series of questions. Please respond with a yes or a no."
B: "Ok."
A: "Did someone you do not know ask you to take something on the plane with you?"
B: "No."
A: "Did you have possession of your luggage since you packed?"
B: "Yes."
A: "Did you leave your luggage unattended at all in the airport?"
B: "No."
A: "Are you carrying any weapons or firearms?"
B: "No."
A: "Are you carrying any flammable material?"
B: "No."
A: "Do you have any perishable food items?"
B: "No."
A: "Great. Can you place your baggage over here?"
B: "Sure."
A: "Would you like an aisle or a window seat?"
B: "Window seat please."
A: "Ok. I am placing you two in 21A and 21B. The gate number is C2. It is on the bottom of the ticket. They will start boarding 20 minutes before the departure time. C2 is located around the corner through the hall. Thank you."
B: "Can you point me to gate C2?"
A: "Sure. It's that way. Around that corner."
B: "Great. Thank you."



3.00 P.M.

Rahul: Excuse me sit.
Receptionist: Yes please.
Rahul: I want to clarify one doubt.
Receptionist: Yes please ask me.
Rahul: At what time will Mumbai flight come?
Receptionist: Mm… today it comes late.
Rahul: When will it be landed?
Receptionist: By 4'O clock.
Rahul: Oh! I have to wait for another one hour. Can I wait in the lounge?
Receptionist: Yes. You can wait.
Rahul: How much is the entrance ticket?
Receptionist: It's Rs. 50/-.
Rahul: Give me an entrance ticket.
Receptionist: You can get it from the opposite counter.
Rahul: OK. Thank you.
4.00 P.M.
Rahul: Welcome back home uncle. You have been away for a long time.
Uncle: Just 3 years Rahul.
Rahul: How are aunt and baby?
Uncle: They are quite well.
Rahul: Are you comfortable in Malaysia?
Uncle: Quite comfortable.
Rahul: How about travelling?
Uncle: It was quite ok.
Rahul: Did you come in business class?
Uncle: Yes. I came by business class.
Rahul: Come on. Let us go home.
Uncle: Arrange a taxi.


Expression   Response
Would you like economy or first class tickets?   Economy class.
When would you like to depart?   On Friday the 14th of next month.
Will that be round trip or one way?   Round trip please.
Do you have any luggage to check in?   I have two suit cases and a travel on bag.
May I have your ticket please?   Here you go.
Do you have anything to declare?   No, I don't



Conversation Activities


Pair Work- discussion

Have you ever flown on a plane? Tell your partner about it using some of the ideas

for discussion below. Your partner should ask questions to get more information.

· when and where you went

· how long the flight took

· the quality of the service from the flight attendants

· how the flight was: (smooth or turbulent, relaxing or nerve-wracking)

· did you enjoy it

· do you like to fly

Pair work- role play

The situation: At a travel agency asking for information for a flight.

Working with a partner, role play the situation, using the information


The roles: A travel agent, a customer



Destination: Seoul Destination:San Francisco
Airline: Blue Skies Skies Airline: World Wide Airlines
Departure time: Saturday 1:30 AM Departure time:Saturday 9:00 am
Flight length:16 hours Flight length:12 hours
Layover: San Francisco,Tokyo Layover:Direct flight
Price: Coach- $950 Business class- $1650 First class- $1900 P Price: Coach- $1050 Business class- $1650 First class- $2000
Preferred seating Aisle Window Preferred seating Aisle Window
Destination:Chicago Destination:Moscow
Airline: National Airways Airline: Great Northern Airline
Departure time:Sunday 8:30 am Departure time:Sunday 1:45 pm
Flight length:24 hours Flight length:18 hours
Layover:London,New York Layover:Paris
Price: Coach- $1150 Business class- $1550 First class- $2400 Price: Coach- $1250 Business class- $1450 First class- $2500
Preferred seating Aisle Window Preferred seating Aisle Window


Listen to some typical public announcements made in an airport or airplane.

Pre-boarding Announcement

Good afternoon passengers. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight 89B to Rome. We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any passengers requiring special assistance, to begin boarding at this time. Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately ten minutes time. Thank you.

Final Boarding Announcement

This is the final boarding call for passengers Erin and Fred Collins booked on flight 372A to Kansas City. Please proceed to gate 3 immediately. The final checks are being completed and the captain will order for the doors of the aircraft to close in approximately five minutes time. I repeat. This is the final boarding call for Erin and Fred Collins. Thank you.

Pre-flight Announcement

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Flight 4B7 with service from Hong Kong to San Francisco. We are currently third in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately seven minutes time. We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight. Thank you for choosing Mountain Airlines. Enjoy your flight.

Captain's Announcement

Good afternoon passengers. This is your captain speaking. First I'd like to welcome everyone on Rightwing Flight 86A. We are currently cruising at an altitude of 33, 000 feet at an airspeed of 400 miles per hour. The time is 1:25 pm. The weather looks good and with the tailwind on our side we are expecting to land in London approximately fifteen minutes ahead of schedule. The weather in London is clear and sunny, with a high of 25 degrees for this afternoon. If the weather cooperates we should get a great view of the city as we descend. The cabin crew will be coming around in about twenty minutes time to offer you a light snack and beverage, and the inflight movie will begin shortly after that. I'll talk to you again before we reach our destination. Until then, sit back, relax and enjoy the rest of the flight.

Safety Briefing

Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the crew I ask that you please direct your attention to the monitors above as we review the emergency procedures. There are six emergency exits on this aircraft. Take a minute to locate the exit closest to you. Note that the nearest exit may be behind you. Count the number of rows to this exit. Should the cabin experience sudden pressure loss, stay calm and listen for instructions from the cabin crew. Oxygen masks will drop down from above your seat. Place the mask over your mouth and nose, like this. Pull the strap to tighten it. If you are traveling with children, make sure that your own mask is on first before helping your children. In the unlikely event of an emergency landing and evacuation, leave your carry-on items behind. Life rafts are located below your seats and emergency lighting will lead you to your closest exit and slide. We ask that you make sure that all carry-on luggage is stowed away safely during the flight. While we wait for take off, please take a moment to review the safety data card in the seat pocket in front of you.

Key phrases and questions at the airport

1. What is the purpose of your trip?
You may hear phrase 1 when you arrive in the UK. The answer can be 'business', 'study', 'pleasure' or maybe,both'.

2. Did you pack this bag yourself?
Phrase 2 is asking about who put things into your bags. You should always pack your bag yourself and you should always be able to answer 'yes' to this question.

3. Please do not leave any bags unattended.
Phrase 3 is asking people to keep their bags with them at all times. If you put it down and walk away, people will maybe think it is a suspicious package.

4. Do you have anything to declare?
Phrase 4 is asking if you have anything in your bags that you need to pay tax on to bring it into the UK (e.g. alcohol, tobacco, carpets).

5. Flight BA333 is now boarding.
Phrase 5 means that you can now go to get onto this flight so go and join the queue.

6. Flight UA666 has been cancelled.
Phrase 6 means that this flight will not be flying or taking off. The airline has stopped it. If this is your flight it is very bad news. Speak to someone about alternative flights.

7. Flight SA999 has been delayed.
Phrase 7 means that the flight is going to be late. Look at the information board and wait for new information.

8. Would passenger Jo Page please come to...
Phrase 8 is asking for this person to go to an information desk. If it is not your name, don't worry about it.

9. This is the final call for flight BA111 to……..
Phrase 9 means that this flight will go or take off very soon. If it is your flight, you must go quickly to the plane.

10. Please make your way to Gate 9.
Phrase 10 is telling you to go to Gate 9 and get ready to board the plane.


Assist help

Blanket warm covering

Charter discount airline

International worldwide

Turbulence rough flight



Airport аэропорт

Terminal аэровокзал, терминал

Booking office билетная касса

International booking office международная билетная касса

Check-in desk (counter) стойка регистрации

Information Справочное бюро

Сustoms and Immigration Control Таможенный и Паспортный контроль

Security checkpoint - контрольно-пропускной пункт

Immigration Иммиграционная служба

Passport control Паспортный контроль

Customs таможня

Green/red channel Зеленый/красный коридор

Security check(point) Проверка органами безопасности

Waiting area - зонa ожидания

Departure Lounge зал перед выходом на посадку

Departures board Табло

Departure gate Выход (на посадку в самолет)

Arrival-room зал прибытия

Departure-room зал отбытия

Gate, gateway выход на посадку

Runway - взлетно-посадочная полоса

Schedule Расписание

Arrival and departure monitor - монитор вылетов и прилетов

Baggage Claim Получение багажа

Baggage carousel - багажный транспортер

Baggage claim area - зонa получения багажа

Conveyer belt ленточный конвейер

Duty-free магазин беспошлинной торговли

Gift shop - сувенирный магазин

Washroom, men's room (для мужчин), ladies' room (для дам). туалет

Currency Exchange "Обмен валюты"

Foreign exchange office пункт обмена иностранной валюты

Concession stand/snack bar закусочная

Сafe кафе

Parking стоянка

Control tower диспетчерская вышка



Ticket agent кассир билетной кассы

Customs Officer cлужащий таможни

Security guard охранник

Immigration officer cотрудник иммиграционной службы

Boarding clerk дежурный по посадке

Crew экипаж

Stewardess стюардесса

Flight attendant бортпроводник

Flight engineer бортинженер

Pilot/captain пилот

Co-pilot второй пилот

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