To be restricted to                 - ограничивать; заключать — КиберПедия 

История создания датчика движения: Первый прибор для обнаружения движения был изобретен немецким физиком Генрихом Герцем...

Индивидуальные очистные сооружения: К классу индивидуальных очистных сооружений относят сооружения, пропускная способность которых...

To be restricted to                 - ограничивать; заключать

2021-06-02 28
To be restricted to                 - ограничивать; заключать 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1.Pay attention to the pronunciation of the following terms:

oxygen sulphur characteristic
nitrogen bury diary
bacteria carbon cellulose
hydrogen phosphorus  

2. Read the following word formations and remember their pronunciation:

favour- favourable- favourite -ly
recognize    - recognizable- unrecognizable- recognition distinctly    - четко
success- successive- succession mainly - главный
resist - resistant- resistance rarely          - редко
interpret- interpretation immediately - сразу; немедленно
character- characteristic- characterization quickly       - быстро  
reduce- reduction merely - просто
preserve- preservation frequently  - часто
fossil - fossilize- fossilization- fossilate effectively  -эффективно
permeate- permeatable- permeation- permeative cryptically  - непонятно, таинственно
  fairly- относительно
  clearly - ясно
un – not      - able – can be            unfavourable unrecognizable de – отрицательное значение decompose decomposition

3. Pay attention to the underlined terms and expressions in the text:

Channel                    канал

2. to erode                    разрушать, размывать, эродировать

3. eroded                                  размытый, эродированный

4. inshore                                 прибрежный

5. fossil                                    ископаемое, окаменелость, фоссилия

6. petrifaction                          окаменение

7. strata                                    пласты; напластование

8. decay                                   процесс распада, разложение

9. oxidation                              окисление

10. fermentation                        ферментация

11. sediment                              осадок, отложение

12. decomposition          распад, гниение, разложение

13. to decompose                       распадаться, разлагаться

14. permafrost                           вечная мерзлота

15. permeation                           проницаемость, пропитывание

16. impregnation                   пропитка, импрегнация

17. to deposit                             отлагать(ся); осаждать

18. to be embedded        погребенный; заключенный в породе

19. lithify                                   литифицировать, окаменевать

20. diagenesis                            диагенез (процесс преобразования осадка                                                 в горную породу в естественных                                                                                         условиях)

21. fossilization                         фоссилизация, окаменение

22. terrestrial                              земной, наземный, континентальный

23. compound                       сложный

24. carbonization                       карбонизация, обугливание, углефикация

25. to calcify                              отвердевать(окаменевать) вследствие                                                                отложения известковых солей

26. to silicify                              окремневать

27. tissue                                    ткань

28. wax                                      парафин

29. entombed                             погребенный; захороненный

To be restricted to                 - ограничивать; заключать

To increase in                        - увеличиваться

To be accompanied by - встречаться вместе

To be altered by        - изменяться под воздействием ч.-л.

To resist to                            - сопротивляться чему-то




carbonization карбонизация, обугливание, углефикация
channel канал
compound сложный, составной
decay процесс распада, разложение
decomposition распад, гниение, разложение
diagenesis диагенез (процесс преобразования осадка в горную породу в естественных условиях)
eroded разрушенный, эродированный
fermentation ферментация
fossil ископаемое, окаменелость, фоссилия
fossilization фоссилизация, окаменение
impregnation пропитка, импрегнация
inshore прибрежный
oxidation окисление
permafrost вечная мерзлота
permeation проницаемость, проникновение
petrifaction окаменение
sediment осадок, отложение
stratum пласт
strata пласты; напластование
terrestrial земной, наземный, континентальный
to be embedded быть погребенным, заключенным в породе
to calcify отвердевать (окаменевать) вследствие отложения известковых солей
to decompose распадаться, разлагаться
to deposit Отлагать (ся), осаждать
to erode разрушать, размывать, эродировать
to lithify литифицировать, окаменевать
to silicify окремневать


ancient древний, старинный
burrow нора, червоточина
clue ключ к разгадке, улика
corpse труп, останки
creature создание, существо, животное
cryptically скрыто
definite ясный, точный, определенный
derogatory умаляющий достоинства, уничижительный
distinctly четко
effectively эффективно
extinction вымирание (животных)
fairly = clearly ясно, четко
final заключительный, конечный
frequently часто
immediately немедленно
implication подтекст, смысл
inherited унаследованный, перенятый
interpretation истолкование, объяснение
mainly главным образом, в основном
merely просто
mold плесень, плесневый грибок
quickly быстро
rarely редко
reduction сокращение
sea floor морское дно
sequential следующий, последовательный
shell раковина, панцирь
species вид (биологический)
subsequent более поздний, последующий
to alter изменять, меняться
to be accompanied by быть сопровождаемым
to be altered by изменяться под действием ч.-л.
to be restricted to быть ограниченным в пределах ч.-л.
to create создавать
to displace перемещать, смещать
to dissolve pазлагать (ся), растворяться
to entomb погребать, хоронить
to hint намекать
to increase in увеличиваться
to indicate показывать, указывать
to inject впрыскивать, нагнетать
to lay down отлагаться
to lock up запирать
to lump together объединять
to mark отмечать, ставить метку
to overturn опрокидывать, переворачиваться
to percolate просачиваться, проникать сквозь
to preserve сохранять
to recognize осознавать, признавать
to reinforce укреплять, усиливать
to resist сопротивляться, противостоять
to resist to противостоять
to rot away гнить, портиться
to sample брать образцы
to share разделять
to subject to подчинять, покорять
to temper with сочетаться, гармонировать с
to turn upside down переворачивать вверх дном
to undergo испытывать, переносить
to vanish исчезать
to wipe вытирать



4.2 Read the texts “Geological Time Scale» in SELF-STUDY BOOKLET, PG. 58) Choose one period and using the following plan, make a short report (R.P – 2.1 )


  • period-name and its origin
  • time period
  • geological processes
  • fauna and flora changes
  • characteristic features (summary)
  • diagrams \ pictures



4. ORAL COMMUNICATION - Geologic time scale.


5.1 Geologic Time-the Earth in Context

                                (Relative dating/ absolute dating)

 5.1.1Before- watching






2.1 Mark the stressed syllable on the following words from the text:

nitrogen, carbonization, characteristic, oxidation, bacteria, organism, impregnation, phosphorus, favorable, unrecognizable.


2 .2 Find the words to the following definitions in the text and translate them into Russian.

  tending to take away; detract
  that which is understood; deduction
  to point out; to show; to suggest
  having fixed (distinct) limits; certain
  ultimate; finishing
  to place in
  to oppose; withstand
  a hint; key
  to acknowledge; to admit
  to change
  to keep in a good state

2.3. Give the Russian equivalents to the following word combinations and phrases:

· the word fossil carries a distinctly derogatory implication

· the term soon became to be restricted

· certain fossils were characteristic of the strata

· immediately after death

· in the presence of oxygen

· in the absence of oxygen

· other organisms that live on dead material

· under favorable conditions

· a reduction with increasing pressure

· for all practical purposes

· thereby resistant to attack

· past events are recorded cryptically in sedimentary rocks.



The Geological Column

The geological column is the full record of the Earth’s crust rocks laid down in sequence. This column is based on rock units, each comprising rock layers created in one geological period of time. In ascending order several of the time rock units called zones make up one stage; several stages form a series; several series build a system; several systems make an erathem.

Geologic Time Scale

The geological time scale is used by geologists and other scientists to describe the timing and relationships between events that have occurred during the history of the Earth. The table of geologic periods presented here is in accordance with the dates and nomenclature proposed by the International Commission on Stratigraphy.

Current radiometric dating evidence indicates an age of the Earth of about 4570 million years old (expressed with m.y.a. or "Ma" as in "it dates from 4570 Ma"). The geological or deep time of Earth's past has been organized into various units according to events which took place in each period. Different spans of time on the time scale are usually delimited by major geological or paleontological events, such as mass extinctions. For example, the boundary between the Cretaceous period and the Paleogene period is defined by the extinction event that marked the demise of the dinosaurs and of many marine species.

History of the time scale

The principles underlying geologic (geological) time scales were laid down by Nicholas Steno in the late 17th century. Steno argued that rock layers (strata) are laid down in succession, and that each represents a "slice" of time. He also formulated the principle of superposition, which states that any given stratum is probably older than those above it and younger than those below it. Steno's principles were simple; applying them to real rocks proved complex. Over the course of the 18th century geologists came to realize that: 1) Sequences of strata were often eroded, distorted, tilted, or even inverted after deposition; 2) Strata laid down at the same time in different areas could have entirely different appearances; 3) The strata of any given area represented only part of the Earth's long history.

The first serious attempts to formulate a geological time scale that could be applied anywhere on Earth took place in the late 18th century. The most influential of those early attempts (championed by Abraham Werner, among others) divided the rocks of the Earth's crust into four types: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, and Quaternary. Each type of rock, according to the theory, formed during a specific period in Earth history. It was thus possible to speak of a "Tertiary Period" as well as of "Tertiary Rocks." Indeed, "Tertiary" and "Quaternary" remained in use as names of geological periods well into the 20th century.

The identification of strata by the fossils they contained, pioneered by William Smith, Georges Cuvier, and Alexandre Brogniart in the early 19th century, enabled geologists to divide Earth history more finely and precisely. It also enabled them to correlate strata across national (or even continental) boundaries. If two strata (however distant in space or different in composition) contained the same fossils, chances were good that they had been laid down at the same time. Detailed studies of the strata and fossils of Europe produced, between 1820 and 1850, the sequence of geological periods still used today.

British geologists dominated the process, and the names of the periods reflect that dominance. The "Cambrian," "Ordovician," and "Silurian" periods were named after ancient British tribes (and defined using stratigraphic sequences from Wales). The "Devonian" was named for the English county of Devon, and the name "Carboniferous" was simply an adaptation of "the Coal Measures," the old British geologists' term for the same set of strata. The "Permian," though defined using strata in Russia, was delineated and named by a British geologist: Roderick Murchison.

British geologists were also responsible for the grouping of periods into Eras and the subdivision of the Tertiary and Quaternary periods into epochs.

When William Smith and Sir Charles Lyell first recognized that rock strata represented successive time periods, there was no way to determine what time scale they represented. Creationists proposed dates of only a few thousand years, while others suggested large (and even infinite) ages. For over 100 years, the age of the Earth and of the rock strata was the subject of considerable debate. Advances in the latter part of the 20th century allowed radioactive dating to provide relatively firm dates to geological horizons. In the intervening century and a half, geologists and paleontologists constructed time scales based solely on the relative positions of different strata and fossils.

In 1977, the Global Commission on Stratigraphy (now the International Commission) started an effort to define global references (Global Boundary Stratotype Sections and Points) for geologic periods and faunal stages.


The major divisions are shown in the scale of relative geologic time (Table 1), which is arranged in chronological order with the oldest division at the bottom, the youngest at the top.

Eons are the largest intervals of geologic time and are hundreds of millions of years in duration. In the time scale the Phanerozoic Eon is the most recent eon and began 570 million years ago. Eons are divided into smaller time intervals known as eras. In the time scale the Phanerozoic is divided into three eras: Cenozoic, Mesozoic and Paleozoic. Very significant events in Earth's history are used to determine the boundaries of the eras.

Eras are subdivided into periods. The events that bound the periods are wide-spread in their extent but are not as significant as those which bound the eras. In the time scale above you can see that the Paleozoic is subdivided into the Permian, Carboniferous, Devonian, Silurian, Ordovician and Cambrian periods.

Finer subdivisions of time are possible and the periods are subdivided into epochs. Geologists tend to talk in terms of Upper/Late, Lower/Early and Middle parts of periods and other units – e.g. "Upper Jurassic", "Middle Cambrian". Upper, Middle, and Lower are terms applied to the rocks themselves, as in "Upper Jurassic sandstone," while Late, Middle, and Early are applied to time, as in "Early Jurassic deposition" or "fossils of Early Jurassic age." The adjectives are capitalized when the subdivision is formally recognized, and lower case when not; thus "early Miocene" but "Early Jurassic." Because geologic units occurring at the same time but from different parts of the world can often look different and contain different fossils, there are many examples where the same period was historically given different names in different locales. It is a key aspect of the work of the International Commission on Stratigraphy to reconcile this conflicting terminology and define universal horizons that can be used around the world



Geologic Time Scale





Holocene 0.01
Pleistocene 1.6


Pliocene 5.3
Miocene 24


Oligocene 37
Eocene 58
Paleocene 66













Middle Early





Middle Early




Middle Early




Middle Early




Middle Early




Middle Early





Also known as Precambrian

2500 ARCHEAN 3960


5.1. You will hear a radio report about fossils. Answer statements 1-10 by writing T (for True) and F (for False):

1. Fossils are restricted to sedimentary rocks, as well as igneous and metamorphic.

2. The process of fossilization takes place over long periods of time.

3. Oxygen plays an important role in the process of fossilization.

4. Fossils are usually preserved in different rocks.

5. Diagenesis is known as reduction, accompanied by some chemical reactions.

6. Coal was formed as a result of carbonization.

7. Fossils are simply interesting and beautiful structures.

8. The word fossil refers to anything in the ground.

9. Petrifaction has the same meaning as fossils.

10. Fossils can be divided into several groups.


5 .2. Listen to the report once more. Then, for statements 11-20, complete the notes that summarize what the speaker says. You will need to write a word or a short phrase in each box.

11. The Latin word fodere means                                                                  .


12. The term fossil means the direct evidence of                                    life.


13. Fossils are usually found in                                                          .


14. The process of                          takes place over a long time.


15. The organisms begin                                 after death.


16. The process of                            takes place in the presence of oxygen.


17. The process of                           takes place in the absence of oxygen.


18. The hard parts of organisms resist                                                   .


19. The fossils are covered by layers of                                               .


20.                            is the increase of pressure in the pore spaces o


5.1 Geologic Time-the Earth in Context

                                (Relative dating/ absolute dating)

 5.1.1Before- watching

The Geological Column

The geological column is the full record of the Earth’s crust rocks laid down in sequence. This column is based on rock units, each comprising rock layers created in one geological period of time. In ascending order several of the time rock units called zones make up one stage; several stages form a series; several series build a system; several systems make an era (them).


Four Eons

A- Hadean Eon (4600-4000) million years ago

B- Archean Eon (4000-2500)

C- Proterozoic Eon (2500-540)

D- Phanererozoic Eon (540 to today)










Quaternary (2-present) Holocene (0.01-Present) Pleistocene (2-0.01)
Neogene (24.6-2) Pliocene (5-2) Miocene (24.6-5)
Paleogene (65-24.6) Oligocene (38-24.6) Eocene (55-38) Paleocene (65-55)




Cretaceous (144-65)


Jurassic (213-144)
Triassic (248-213)







Permian (286-248)
Carboniferous (360-286)
Devonian (408-360)
Silurian (440-408)
Ordovician (505-440)
Cambrian (540-505)


5.2.2.While watching

1. Put the terms in the right order of sequence.

  • Eras
  • Epochs
  • Eons
  • Periods
  • Bleams

2. Put the eons in the proper succession

Major event Eon Its number in succession


5.2.3 After watching

1. Pronounce the bold words

1. The eon called the PRE-ARCEAN began 4.6 billion years ago.

2. The PRE-ARCHEAN eon was followed by the ARCHEAN eon which lasted from 3800 million years ago to 2500 million years ago.

3. Then came the PROTEROZOIC eon which lasted from 2500 million years ago to 570 million years ago when the PHANEROZOIC eon began.

2. Using the pattern below name the ages of each period:

EXAMPLE: The name CARBONIFEROUS refers to the period between 360-286 million years.



Paleozoic Permian 286
  Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian \ Mississippi)   320 360
  Devonian 408
  Silurian 438
  Ordovician 505
  Cambrian 570


3.Insert the correct grammatical form of the word in brackets:

Keep in mind that ___________ (1. geology) distinguish each geologic period by its unique system of rocks and rock _________ (2. form). The periods are ____________ (3. general) named for geographic ______________ (4. locate) where the rocks of the period were first ___________ (5. study) or where the characteristics of that period’s rocks are _____________ (6. good) displayed. The periods that _______ (7. be) not named for ____________ (8. geography) location are named for some special ___________ (9. characterize) of the rock formations.





Imagine that you were living beings. You died, what must happen to your bodies to form fossils?


  TASK 2

You are scientists trying to determine the age of the Earth on the basis of what.



· No doubt / undoubtedly

· I think / I guess

· My impression is that

· My feeling is that

· One believes that

· I’m afraid I disagree with you

· I entirely agree with you

· To my regret

· Could you explain

· It’s of great value / no value




1.Pay attention to the pronunciation of the following terms:

oxygen sulphur characteristic
nitrogen bury diary
bacteria carbon cellulose
hydrogen phosphorus  

2. Read the following word formations and remember their pronunciation:

favour- favourable- favourite -ly
recognize    - recognizable- unrecognizable- recognition distinctly    - четко
success- successive- succession mainly - главный
resist - resistant- resistance rarely          - редко
interpret- interpretation immediately - сразу; немедленно
character- characteristic- characterization quickly       - быстро  
reduce- reduction merely - просто
preserve- preservation frequently  - часто
fossil - fossilize- fossilization- fossilate effectively  -эффективно
permeate- permeatable- permeation- permeative cryptically  - непонятно, таинственно
  fairly- относительно
  clearly - ясно
un – not      - able – can be            unfavourable unrecognizable de – отрицательное значение decompose decomposition

3. Pay attention to the underlined terms and expressions in the text:

Channel                    канал

2. to erode                    разрушать, размывать, эродировать

3. eroded                                  размытый, эродированный

4. inshore                                 прибрежный

5. fossil                                    ископаемое, окаменелость, фоссилия

6. petrifaction                          окаменение

7. strata                                    пласты; напластование

8. decay                                   процесс распада, разложение

9. oxidation                              окисление

10. fermentation                        ферментация

11. sediment                              осадок, отложение

12. decomposition          распад, гниение, разложение

13. to decompose                       распадаться, разлагаться

14. permafrost                           вечная мерзлота

15. permeation                           проницаемость, пропитывание

16. impregnation                   пропитка, импрегнация

17. to deposit                             отлагать(ся); осаждать

18. to be embedded        погребенный; заключенный в породе

19. lithify                                   литифицировать, окаменевать

20. diagenesis                            диагенез (процесс преобразования осадка                                                 в горную породу в естественных                                                                                         условиях)

21. fossilization                         фоссилизация, окаменение

22. terrestrial                              земной, наземный, континентальный

23. compound                       сложный

24. carbonization                       карбонизация, обугливание, углефикация

25. to calcify                              отвердевать(окаменевать) вследствие                                                                отложения известковых солей

26. to silicify                              окремневать

27. tissue                                    ткань

28. wax                                      парафин

29. entombed                             погребенный; захороненный

to be restricted to                 - ограничивать; заключать

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