The English language and my future job — КиберПедия 

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The English language and my future job

2021-12-11 39
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Учебно-методическое пособие

по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

для обучающихся по направлению подготовки 35.03.10  

Ландшафтная архитектура



Нижний Новгород


Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования

«Нижегородский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет»



Т.А. Саркисян




Учебно-методическое пособие

по дисциплине «Иностранный язык 1»

для обучающихся по направлению подготовки 35.03.10  Ландшафтная архитектура



Нижний Новгород


УДК 620.9:504



    Саркисян Т. А. Базовый английский язык для студентов-ландшафтных архитекторов, [Электронный ресурс]: учеб. - метод. пос. / Т. А. Саркисян; Нижегор. гос. архитектур. - строит. ун - т – Н. Новгород: ННГАСУ, 2016. – 82 с.; ил. 1 электрон. опт. диск (CD-RW)



Учебно-методическое пособие выполнено в рамках педагогической технологии «развитие критического мышления через чтение и письмо» и содержит задания, направленные на развитие критического мышления и формирование профессиональной иноязычно-речевой компетенции студентов. Материал пособия включает тексты учебного характера, в которых широко представлена терминология области, а также упражнения, способствующие расширению лексического запаса студентов. Пособие имеет двойную направленность и нацелено на развитие двух направлений в обучении: формирование базовых знаний и овладение профессионально-ориентированным английским языком.

  Предназначено обучающимся I курса ННГАСУ очной формы обучения для подготовки к практическим занятиям, и выполнению самостоятельной работы по дисциплине в рамках направления подготовки 35.03.10 «Ландшафтная архитектура».

Ключевые слова: ландшафтная архитектура, учебно-методическое пособие, ландшафтное проектирование, иноязычное образование, иноязычная профессионально-речевая компетенция.



   © Т. А. Саркисян, 2016

© ННГАСУ, 2016.



I section. Practical training......................................................................................................6

Unit 1. The English language and my future job

Unit 2. About myself

Unit 3. My studies …………………………………….

Unit 4. N. Novgorod University of Architecture and Civil Engineering………………………………………………

Unit 5. From rags to Riches

Unit 6. Thailand

Unit 7. Harrods..........................................................................................................................

Unit 8. The landscape architect’s job........................................................................................

Unit 9. Hyde Park...........................................

Unit 10. Frederick Law Olmsted..........................................................


II section.. Individual training

Unit 1. Wales – the land of songs

Unit 2. Being a sport – “The Ozzie and Kiwi Way”

Unit 3. The United States of America..............................................................................

Unit 4. Ireland – the emerald isle.......................................................................



С появлением стандартов третьего поколения, нацеленных на компетентностно-ориентированное образование, одной из приоритетных целей современного иноязычного образования становится формирование умения осуществлять профессиональную деятельность на иностранном языке. Студент нелингвистического вуза должен овладеть коммуникативными умениями, необходимыми для осуществления устной и письменной коммуникации в различных ситуациях профессионального общения, что предполагает активное формирование иноязычной профессионально-речевой компетентности являющейся составляющей иноязычной профессионально-коммуникативной компетентности, и означающей способность выражать свои мысли с помощью языка и понимать мысли других людей в процессе речевой интеракции.

Учебное пособие «Базовый английский для студентов-ландшафтных архитекторов» нацелено на достижение вышеназванной цели. Данное пособие выполнено в рамках педагогической технологии «Развитие критического мышления через чтение и письмо» и нацелено как на формирование базовых знаний по специальности, так и постепенное овладение профессионально-ориентированным английским языком. Материал пособия включает учебные тексты, направленные на изучение базового и профессионального английского языка, а также различные упражнения, способствующие не только формированию умений чтения и расширению лексического запаса студентов, но и нацеленные на формирование умений говорения, как на общие, так и на профессиональные темы на английском языке.

Существенным фактором, способствующим поддержанию студенческого интереса к изучению английского языка, как для общих, так и профессиональных целей, являются задания, разработанные в рамках активных методов и, несомненно, способствующие развитию речи студентов.

Разработанное пособие готовит студентов архитектурного факультета к общению в иноязычной среде, а также способствует постепенному развитию умений говорить на профессиональном английского языке, готовя студентов к изучению курса «Профессиональный английский язык для студентов-ландшафтных архитекторов». Они учатся читать профессионально-ориентированные тексты, находить и читать литературу в интернете, делать профессиональные презентации докладов, публично выступать, писать письменные размышления, выражая свои мысли, на профессиональном английском языке.

Учебное пособие поможет студентам архитектурного факультета эффективно и интересно организовать самостоятельную работу над текстом, а также научиться общаться на общие и профессиональные темы на английском языке, что, несомненно, будет способствовать подготовке ландшафтных архитекторов к их будущей профессиональной деятельности.

Unit 1

Useful terms and phrases

2. Read the following terms and phrases, mind their pronunciation:

foreign language иностранный язык
to know a foreign language владеть иностранным языком
landscape architect ландщафтный архитектор
to design замысел, проект, проектировать
to landscape the ground (plot) ландшафт, озеленять, благоустраивать участок
to travel abroad on business ездить за границу по делам
to communicate with foreign colleagues общаться (поддерживать связь) c иностранными коллегами
a part of the job часть работы
to be successful иметь успех, быть успешным
importance of English значимость иностранного языка


3. Group work. Discuss the following questions and report your opinion to the class.

1. Is it important for you to know foreign languages? Why do you think so?

2. Do many Russian architects travel abroad on business and communicate with foreign colleagues? Is it a part of their job?

3. Do modern architects read professional literature in foreign languages? Why?

4. Do you think that English will help you to be successful in your future job? Why?

5. What is the importance of English for your future job? Ground your answer?

4. Structure the received information in the form of the “cluster” (графическая организация материала, показывающая смысловые поля того или иного понятия):


5. Group work. Prepare a presentation about architecture and deliver the presentation to the class. Get ready to answer questions persisting in your own opinion

6. Write a short essay entitled “English language and my future job”.


Unit 2


I. Warming up (Разминка)

Listening & Speaking

1. Introduce yourself to the class answering the following questions. Get ready to answer questions and communicate with your group mates (согруппники). The following lexis can be helpful.

1. What is your name?

2. How old are you?

3. Where are you from?

4. What is your future profession?

5. Why have you chosen landscape architecture profession?


a landscape architect ландшафтный архитектор
landscape architecture ландшафтная архитектура
landscape architecture profession профессия «ландшафтный архитектор»
to draw, sketch out рисовать, изображать схематически
to design garden and parks проектировать сады и парки
to change/transform изменять/преображать
to make a city more beautiful делать город более красивым


Evocation (Вызов)

Grammar Focus

Chart 2

Утвердительная форма Ед.ч. I am a first-year student. (I’m) He is a first-year student. (He’s) She is a first-year student. (She’s) It is a first-year student. (It’s) Мн.ч. We are first-year students. (We’re) You are first-year students. (You’re) They are first-year students. (They’re)

Вопросительная форма


Am I a first-year student?

Is he a first-year student?

Is it a first-year student?


Are we first-year students?

Useful terms and phrases

7. Listen and repeat after the teacher the following terms and phrases, mind their pronunciation:

amazing удивительный
first-year student первокурсник
the University of Architecture and civil engineering Архитектурно-строительный университет
landscape architect ландшафтный архитектор
to be to one’s liking быть по душе
be fond of любить, увлекаться
to be good at хорошо делать что-либо; быть способным к чему-либо
to arrange gardens and parks обустраивать сады и парки
as far as I know насколько я знаю
to add to this в добавление к этому
to be late for lectures опоздывать на занятия/лекции
The fact is that… Дело в том, что
to be ready to do something быть готовым сделать что-либо
to answer homework отвечать домашнее задание
in general в целом, в общем
to be good at делать что-либо хорошо; быть способным к
to be interested in интересоваться чем-либо
to be fond of любить, увлекаться
unfortunately к сожалению
to be short of time не хватать времени
to get an education получить образование
to depend on зависеть от
That is all there is to it. Ну вот и все.
designing проектирование
to make a model делать модель, макет
to design outdoor and public spaces проектировать наружные и общественные территории
structure постройка, сооружение
 landscape design  ландшафтное проектирование
to be proud of/ take pride in гордиться ч.-л., чувствовать гордость за что-либо
an organized and disciplined person организованный, собранный и дисциплинированный человек
subject учебный предмет
profound knowledge глубокие знания


Reading & Writing

8. Match the words and phrases to their translation and make sentences about yourself using the verb “to be”.


amazing city быть по нраву, по сердцу
first-year student увлекаться математикой
the University of Architecture and civil engineering быть способным создавать новые вещи
 landscape architect организованный, собранный и дисциплинированный человек
to be to one’s liking первокурсник
to be fond of mathematics Архитектурно-строительный университет
to be good at creating new things ландшафтный архитектор
an organized and disciplined person удивительный город


to be late for lectures делать что-либо хорошо
to be ready to do something мой любимый предмет
to be good at испытывать нехватку времени
to get an education получить образование
to be interested in art гордиться ч.-л., чувствовать гордость за что-либо
to be short of time быть готовым сделать что-либо
to be proud of/ take pride in опаздывать на лекции
my favourite subject интересоваться искусством

Grammar Focus

9. Translate the sentences and repeat them adding the word “also”:

E.g.: I am a good student. – I am also a good student.

It is interesting for me to study at the university. - It is also interesting for me to study at the university.


1. I am 17 years old. 2. I am from Nizhny Novgorod. 3. I am a first-year student of the University Architecture and civil engineering. 4. My future profession is a landscape architect. 5. This profession is to my liking. 6. I am fond of Botany. 7. I am good at drawing. 8. It is very important for my future job. 9. I am always ready to answer my homework.   10. I am seldom late for lectures. 11. I am good at all the subjects. 12. I have problems with English. 13. It is interesting for me to work with plants. 14. I am interested in music. 15. I am fond of playing the guitar. 16. Unfortunately, I am short of time now. 17. It is important for me to get a good education because my future depends on it.


10. Repeat the sentences adding the word from brackets:

1. He is 17 years old. (18) 2. He is from Nizhny Novgorod. (Balachna) 3. He is a first-year student of the University of architecture and civil engineering. (a second-year student) 4. His future profession is a designer. (an architect) 5. This profession is to his liking. (activity) 6. He is fond of music. (physics) 7. He is good at working with flowers. (making models) 8. It is very important for his future job. (future life) 9. He is always ready to answer his homework. (help friends) 10. He is seldom late for lectures. (seminars) 11. He is good at all the subjects. (mathematics) 12. He has problems with English. (descriptive geometry) 13. It is interesting for him to work with flowers. (make models) 14. He is interested in music. (landscape architecture) 15. He is fond of playing the guitar. (playing sport) 16. Unfortunately, he is short of time now. (money) 17. It is important for him to get a good education because his future depends on it. (profound knowledge)


Reading & Speaking

11. Read the text and answer the following questions:

1. What is this text about? 2. Where is Alex from? 3. What kind of city is Nizhny Novgorod? 4. What year-student is Alex? 5. What is Alex proud of? 6. What is his future profession? 7. What is he good at? 8. Is Alex a good student?aq 9. What subject is hard for him? 10. What is his favourite subject? 11. What is Alex interested in? 12. What is very important for Alex?

About myself

Hello, everyone. My name is Alex and I am 17 years old. I am from Nizhny Novgorod. It is an amazing city, I hope you know it. Now I am a first-year student of the University Architecture and civil engineering. I am really proud of my studying at the University. My future profession is a landscape architect. This specialist designs outdoor and public spaces. This job is to my liking because I am fond of working with flowers and I am good at creating new things. I am also good at drawing. As far as I know, it is very important for my future job.

To add to this, I am an organized and disciplined person and I am never late for lectures. The fact is that I am always ready to answer my homework. In general, I am good at all the subjects but I have problems with English. My favourite subject is landscape designand it is interesting for me to make models. 

As for my hobby, I am interested in music. I am fond of playing the guitar and singing songs. Unfortunately, I am short of time now. It is important for me to get a good education because my future depends on it. That is all there is to it.


12. Pair work. Match the words from two columns to create a phrase and make sentences to use them in the text entitled “General information about Alex”. Share your ideas with the partner.

to be from of mathematics
a first-year at creating new things
to be to for the future job
to be fond of studying at the University
to be good student
to be important one’s liking
to be proud Nizhny Novgorod


13. Pair work. Match the words from two columns to create a phrase and make sentences to use them in the text entitled “Alex studies”.   Share your ideas with the partner.ю


to be late and disciplined person
to be ready problems with English
to be good subject is designing
to have to answer homework
It is interesting at all the subjects
to be an organized  to make models
My favourite for lectures


14. Pair work. Match the words from two columns to create a phrase and make sentences to use them in the text entitled “Alex interests”. Share your ideas with the partner.

be interested of time
be fond on education
be short in music
be important of playing the guitar
depend to get a good education


 15a. Pair work. Read and role-play the micro dialogues.

Dialogue 1

Jill: Mary, are you a first-year student?

Mary: Sure, I am. And it is to my liking, Jill.

Jill: I see.


Dialogue 2

Julia: Are you fond of landscape architecture, Helen?

Helen: Of course, I am. And I really like landscape architecture.

Julia: The same with me.

Dialogue 3.

Sandy: Is landscape design your favourute subject, Bred?

Bred: Certainly, it is. I like it a lot.

Sandy: I share your opinion, Bred.


15b.Create your own micro dialogues using Ex.15a. and reproduce them.

Reflection (Размышление)

Listening & Speaking

16. Prepare a text about yourself and present it to the class. Get ready to answer your group mates’ questions creating a micro dialogue. (See chart 3.)

Chart 3              


Conversational formulas

1. I agree/disagree with you. Я согласен/не согласен с тобой. 2. I am of the same opinion. Я такого же мнения. 3. I share your opinion. Я разделяю твоё мнение. 4. The same with me. И я тоже. 5. Really? Can ’ t believe. Действительно? Не могу поверить. 6. I doubt it. Я в этом сомневаюсь. 7. No doubt. Несомненно. 8. I wonder. Мне интересно знать. 9. By the way. Кстати. Между прочим. 10. It is hard to say. Трудно сказать. 11. Is it really so? Это действительно так? 12. I don ’ t think so. Я так не думаю. 13. I take a different view. Я придерживаюсь другого мнения. 14. You are wrong. Вы неправы. 15. I don’t agree with what you say. Я не согласен с тем, что вы говорите. 16. As for me. Что касается меня. 17. To my mind/in my opinion. По моему мнению. На мой взгляд. 18. I hope so. Надеюсь, что так. Я надеюсь. 19. I hold by my opinion. Я остаюсь при своём мнении. 20. Fortunately. К счастью. 21. Un fortunately. Жаль. К сожалению. 22. What do you mean? Что вы имеете в виду? 23. It’s a good idea. Хорошая идея. 24. Exactly so. Вот-вот. Вот именно. 25.I am so sorry. М не так жаль. Виноват. 26. I am frightfully sorry. Мне ужасно стыдно. 27. I feel sorry for you. Мне жаль тебя. 28. T here is no doubt about it. Нет никакого сомнения в этом. 29. Don ’ t you know? Разве ты не знаешь?

Educatory Student-teacher’s corner ( обучающий уголок учителя - практиканта)

Unit 3


Warming up (Разминка)

Listening & Speaking

1. Pair work. Reflect on the proverb “ A good beginning makes a good ending ” and answer the question “What is the proverb about?” The following lexis can be helpful.

E.g. This proverb is about people who work hard at the start”.

at the beginning/at first/ at the start вначале/ сначала, на первых порах/ поначалу
to work hard   трудиться, много работать
to be serious about серьёзно относиться (к чему-л.)
to be lazy лениться
to think about the future задумываться о будущем
to get good results получить хорошие результаты
Finally/ at the end в конце/ на завершающей стадии
to be successful иметь успех

Evocation (Вызов)

Useful terms and phrases

2. Listen and repeat after the teacher the following terms and phrases, mind their pronunciation:

  a full-time student студент дневного отделения
a part-time student студент заочного отделения
a first-year student первокурсник
the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering Архитектурно-строительный университет
to study учиться, изучать
the faculty of Architecture and Design Факультет архитектуры и дизайна
to want хотеть
course of studies курс обучения
run (for) длиться, продолжаться
to do/study a subject изучать предмет
to have classes, lectures and seminars иметь практические занятия, лекции и семинары
to spend time проводить время
to work hard/ labour трудиться
to try cтараться, пытаться
to attend classes посещать занятия
to miss classes пропускать занятия
with a reasonable excuse по уважительной причине
without a reasonable excuse без уважительной причины
to do well in a subject успевать по предмету
to pass an exam (a test) in сдать экзамен (зачёт) по
to take exams in сдавать экзамены по
to hope надеяться
to get a mark получить оценку
Lpto do one’s best делать всё возможное
to become a qualified specialist стать квалифицированным специалистом
to work by fits and starts работать урывками, нерегулярно
to fall behind the group отстать от группы
to catch up with the group догнать группу
to graduate from the university закончить университет
After graduation после окончания учебного заведения
to take / make notes at a lecture on делать записи на лекции по
to discuss problems обсуждать проблемы
a group mate одногруппник
a time – table расписание
to give a mark (a credit) поставить оценку (зачёт)
to revise/study for an exam готовиться к экзамену
to resit an exam пересдавать экзамен
to dismiss a student отчислить студента
educational subject общеобразовательный предмет
profession-oriented subject профильный предмет
to trouble somebody (Mathematics troubles me.) (Mathematics doesn’t trouble me at all) даваться с трудом (Математика даётся мне с трудом); (Математика даётся мне легко)
material science материаловедение
to project делать проект
to make a sketch делать эскизный чертёж
landscape style стиль ландшафтного дизайна
Geodesy Геодезия
Botany Ботаника
Landslcape design архитектурно-ландшафтное проектирование
to make a successful career сделать успешную карьеру

3. Match the words and phrases to their translation:


a full - time student проводить время
a part – time student после окончания учебного заведения
the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering курс обучения
a first-year student изучать предмет
the faculty of Architecture and Design тяжёлая работа
after graduation студент дневного отделения
the course of studies студент заочного отделения
to do/study a subject Архитектурно-строительный университет
hard work первокурсник
1to spend time Факультет архитектуры и градостроительства



to work hard/ labour успевать по предмету
to try сдавать экзамены
to attend classes найти престижную работу
to miss classes Я делаю всё возможное
to do well in a subject квалифицированный специалист
to take exams работать урывками
to get a mark трудиться
I do my best cтараться, пытаться
a qualified specialist посещать занятия
to work by fits and starts пропускать занятия
to find a prestigious job получить оценку



to fall behind the group одногруппник
to catch up with the group сделать успешную карьеру
to make notes at a lecture готовиться к экзамену
to be good at a subject закончить университет
a group mate пересдавать экзамен
to give a mark (a credit) отчислить студента
to revise/study for an exam отстать от группы
to graduate from the university догнать группу
to resit an exam делать записи на лекции
to dismiss a student хорошо знать предмет
to make a successful career поставить оценку (зачёт)



4. Group work.  Reflect on the following questions making assumptions (делая предположения) about “Alex’s studies” and share your ideas with the group:

1. What is the text, called “Alex’s studies” about?

2. Who is the main character of this text? Describe this person (personal qualities, appearance) and draw him or her?

3. Where does he/she study?

4. What does she/he study?

5. What is his/her attitude to studies?

6. What is his/her future?


5. Group work.  Report your ideas to the class

6. Structure the received information in the form of the “ cluster ” (графическая организация материала, показывающая смысловые поля того или иного понятия):


7. Prepare a presentation about studies of the made-up character (вымышленный герой) and deliver the presentation to the class. Get ready to ask questions creating a micro dialogue.


8.  Read the text and correct your assumptions using Ex. 4.

9.  Read the text and make marginal marks (пометки на полях):

- I knew it;

+ - New information;

- - The information contradicts my knowledge;

? - The information isn’t enough or understandable.

10. Get ready to answer the following questions after reading the text:

1. What did you know about Alex before reading the text?

2. What information about Alex did you find new reading the text?

3. What information contradicts your knowledge?

4. What information isn’t enough or understandable for you?

11. Read the text once again and find answers to the following questions:

1. Who is this text about?

2. Where does Alex study?

3. What is interesting for Alex to do?

4. What subjects does he do?

5. What is his favourite subject?

6. Is Alex a good student? Why do you think so?

7. What does he do to become a qualified specialist?


My Studies

Let me introduce myself. My name is Alex Belov and I am a first-year student of the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. I study at the faculty of Architecture and Town Building, because I want to be a landscape architect. It is interesting for me to project, make sketches and study landscape styles.

      The course of studies runs for five years. We do a lot of subjects:English, history, mathematics, the history of architecture, geodesy, botany, and so on. My favourite subject is landscape design. It is interesting for me to project and make models. I enjoy the course a lot but it’s very hard work. We have classes, lectures and seminars every day. We make notes and discuss different problems at the lectures. It takes a lot of time, that’s why, we spend six hours at the university every day.

      I try to attend all the classes and miss them only with a reasonable excuse. I do well in all the subjects but Math. We take exams twice a year and I hope I’ll get good marks in my exams because I do my best to become a qualified specialist. Some students work by fits and starts but I don’t like it at all. And if I fall behind the group, I try to catch up with it as soon as possible.

      After five years I’ll graduate from the university and become a qualified specialist. I hope I will find a prestigious job and make a successful career. I believe, it is very important for my future life.   


12. Individual work. Read the text again and fill in the “marginal chart”:

+ - ?
I knew that … I didn’t know that … The information about … contradicts my knowledge because … The information about … isn’t enough or understandable for me, because …

Reflection (Размышление)


13. Pair work. Match the words from two columns to create a phrase and make sentences to use them in the text entitled “Alex’s course of studies”.   Share your ideas with the partner.

a first-year different problems
to study a lot of subjects
to want   notes at the lectures
to run classes, lectures and seminars
to do six hours
to discuss student of the University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
to make at the faculty of Architecture and Town Building
to have to be an architect
to spend for four years



14. Pair work. Match the words from two columns to create a phrase and make sentences to use them in the text entitled “Alex’s attitude (отношение) to studies ”.   Share your ideas with the partner.

to attend a successful career
to miss one’s best to become a qualified specialist
to do by fits and starts
to take behind the group
 to get with the group
to do  a prestigious job
to work classes only with a reasonable excuse
 to fall well in all the subjects
to catch up exams twice a year
 to find all the classes
to make good marks in exams


15. Read and role-play the dialogues.

Dialogue 1

A talk about studies

Jill: Hello, Mary. How are you?

Mary: Splendid. Thank you. And what about you, Jill?

Jill: I am fine. Thanks. By the way, Mary, do you study or work?

Mary: Of course, I study. I am a student of the University of Architecture and civil engineering.

 Jill: Really? How interesting! And what do you study, I wonder?

Mary: I study architecture, Jill. It is so great to be a student. And what about you? Where do you study, Jill?

Jill: As for me, I study foreign languages at the Linguistic University. It is really to my liking.

Mary: I am glad for you, Jill. I am also happy with my studies. By the way, what is your favourite subject?

Jill: It is very interesting for me to study the English language. I like reading and find new words. Of course, it is great to speak English. And what about you?

Mary: As for me, my favourite subject is Architectural design because I like creating new things.

 It is also interesting for me to project and make drafts. Unfprtunately,I have problems with English.

Jill: I feel for you, Mary. Can I help you?

Mary: It would be great. Thanks a lot.

Jill: You are welcome. (не стоит благодарности)

Dialogue 2

Problems with Studies

1. Read the new words

to look upset выглядеть расстроенной
What’s the matter? В чем дело? Что случилось?
to  be in trouble Иметь неприятности
I am again in trouble У меня опять неприятности.
I am done. Я пропала.
Can’t believe Не могу поверить
Things look nasty for me. Дело принимает скверный оборот для меня.
It makes matter worse. Это усложняет дело.
All right. All right. Take it easy. Ну, ладно. Не волнуйся.
I am at a loss. Я в растерянности
the best thing to do Самое лучшее, что можно сделать
I am afraid to do that. Я боюсь сделать это.
You should explain everything Тебе следует всё объяснить
to find a coach найти репетитора
I promise. Я обещаю
Not at all. Не стоит благодарности
See you soon. До скорой встречи


2. Match the words to their translation:

to look upset Ну, ладно. Не волнуйся.
What’s the matter? Тебе следует всё объяснить
to be in trouble Самое лучшее, что можно сделать
Can’t believe Не стоит благодарности
Things look nasty for me. выглядеть расстроенной
All right. All right. Take it easy. В чем дело? Что случилось?
You should explain everything Иметь неприятности
the best thing to do Не могу поверить
Not at all. Дело принимает скверный оборот для меня.


3. Read and role-play the dialogue

-Hello, Ann. How are you? You look so upset. What’s the matter?

- Thank you, dear. I am again in trouble. I am done.

- Really, can’t believe.

-You see, I have great problems with English.

-I knew as much.

- You know, I am very bad at English.

- I see… I think, I can help you.

- Oh, no. Things look nasty for me. I have missed a lot of classes.

- It makes matter worse.

- I am done, I am done.

- All right. All right. Take it easy.

- I am at a loss. Help me, Jane.

- I think, the best thing to do is to talk with your English teacher.

- Oh, no. I am afraid to do that.

- But you should explain everything. Tell her that you will find a coach. I will help with English, I promise.

- Really? It is a good idea. I will try, thank you.

- Not at all. Call me, bye.

-See you soon.

16. Create your own dialogues about studies

Writing & Speaking

17. Prepare a text about your studies and present it to the class. Get ready to answer your group mates’ questions creating a micro dialogue.


Students’ teaching

Grammar Focus

21. Translate the sentences and repeat them adding the word or “also”:

E.x: 1. I often read English books. - I also read English books.

1. I study at the faculty of Architecture and Town Building. 2. I want to be an architect. 3. Our course of studies runs for four years. 4. We do a lot of subjects: descriptive geometry, geodesy, higher mathematics, English, physics, history, drawing and so on. 5. I enjoy the course a lot but it’s very hard work. 6. We have classes, lectures and seminars every day. 7. We make notes and discuss different problems at the lectures. 8. Our studies take a lot of time. 9. We spend six hours at the university every day. 10. I try to attend all the classes and lectures. 11. I miss classes only with a reasonable excuse. 12. I do well in all the subjects but Math. 13. We take exams twice a year. 14. I usually get good marks in all the subjects. 15. I do my best to become a qualified specialist. 16. If I fall behind the group, I try to catch up with it as soon as possible. 17. English troubles me. 18. After five years I’ll graduate from the university and become a qualified specialist.           



22. Repeat the sentences adding the word from brackets then ask general questions to your partner:

E.g.: I study at the university. - I say, Dan, I study at the university. And what about you? Do you also study at the university? – Sure. And it is to my liking. – No doubt about it.


1. I study at the faculty of Architecture and Design. (the University of Architecture and civil engineering) 2. I want to be an architect.(a designer) 3. Our course of studies runs for four years. (5 years) 4. We do a lot of subjects: descriptive geometry, geodesy, higher mathematics, English, physics, history, drawing and so on. (profession-oriented subjects) 5. I enjoy the course a lot but it’s very hard work. (not easy) 6. We have classes and lectures every day. (seminars) 7. We make notes and discuss different problems at the lectures. (questions) 8. We spend six hours at the university every day. (four hours) 9. I try to attend all the classes. (lectures) 10. I do well in all the subjects but Math. (English) 11. We take exams twice a year. (two times a year) 12. I hope I’ll get good marks in my exams (credit) 13. I do my best to become a qualified specialist. (a professional) 14. Some students work by fits and starts. (work hard) 15. I hope, I’ll become a qualified specialist. (a professional)     



23. Make up special questions to the sentences and ask them to your partner:

E.g.1.My friend is a future landscape architect. -  I say, Nick, my friend is a future architect. And what about your friend? Is he also a future architect?- Certainly. And he is a brilliant student. – Really? My congratulations.

2. My group mate gets different marks, as a rule. - By the way, Jane, my group mate,Ann, gets different marks, as a rule. And what about your  group mate? Does she also get different marks in different subjects? – Of course not. She is an excellent student and I am proud of her. – That’s great/Splendid.


1. My friend is a future landscape architect. 2. My friend wants to be a designer. 3. My sister makes different drafts in class. 4. My former class mate does a lot of profession-oriented subjects at the university. 5. My mum is good at English. 6. My group mate speaks English fluently. 7. My brother is proud of his parents. 8. My friend wants to find a prestigious job. 9. My brother wants to make a successful career. 10. My fellow student takes exams twice a year. 11. My English teacher often gives me good and excellent marks. 12. My sister never misses classes.  



24. Ask your partner the following questions to create a micro dialogue?

E.g.: What is his name?-

 What is your name? - My name is Alex. And what about you? - My name is Jack. – I see.

1. How old is he/she? 2. Where is he/she from? 3. What year-student is he/she? 4. What is his/her future profession? 5. What is he/she fond of? 6. What subject is he/she good at? 7. What is important for him? 8. What is he always ready to do? 9. How often is he late for lectures? 10. What is interesting for him/her about studies? 11. What is he/she interested in? 12. What is he/she fond of? 13. What is hard for him/her about studies?


24. 1. Ask your partner special questions to create a micro dialogue?

E.g.: Where does your friend study?

 Where do you study, Jack? – As for me, I study at the University of Architecture and civil engineering.

 And what about you, Ann? Where do you study? - I also study at the University of Architecture and civil engineering. – Really? Can’t believe.

1. What does your friend want to be? 2. What subjects does your group mate do? 3. What is hard for him/her about studies? 4. Where does your group mate make notes? 5. What do your group mates do at the lectures? 6. Where does your group mate discuss different problems? 7. How often does your friend spend six hours at the university? 8. What does your friend try to do to be a qualified specialist? 9. How well does your friend do in all the subjects? 10. What marks does your group mate get at the lectures? 11. What lectures does your group mate miss? 12. What does your friend do to become a professional? 13. Why does your friend work by fits and starts? 14. Why does your group mate want to become a qualified specialist? 15. What subject troubles your group mate?  


Unit 4

Higher Education

Part I

Unit 5

From Rags to Riches

I. Warming up (Разминка)

Listening & Speaking

1. Group work. Reflect on the following quote, interpret it and share your ideas with the class. Get ready to discuss different points of view answering questions:

“Every dog has his day”.

 lucky person удачливый человек
luck удача
red-letter day счастливый день
one of the white days of his life один из самых счастливых дней его жизни
the gladdest day of my life самый счастливый день моей жизни
There come a time when Приходит время, когда
Luck favours you. Удача улыбается тебе.
Fortune smiled on me. Мне улыбнулась удача.
to deserve заслужить
to give joy/bring joy to приносить радость
to gladden/rejoice/make happy радовать
to rejoice the heart радовать сердце
to upset огорчать
to make life beautiful делать жизнь прекрасной
to wing/to encourage окрылять
to impulse давать толчок
progress/headway движение вперёд


II. Evocation (Вызов)

2. Read the following terms and phrases, mind their pronunciation:

a successful British singer успешная британская певица
a smiling face улыбающееся лицо
to appear on the cover появляться на обложке
to travel to different parts of the world ездить в разные части света
to perform concerts давать концерты
a terraced cramped house террасный тесный дом
to work as a cleaner работать уборщицей
to make ends meet сводить концы с концами
a local hospital местная больница
plump полный, пухлый
to sing in the choir петь в хоре
to go for a walk гулять, выйти на прогулку
an expensive club дорогой клуб
to listen to the radio слушать радио
to hire people нанимать людей
to sing at parties петь на вечеринках
to have a pretty voice красивый голос
to persuade somebody to do something уговорить к-л. сделать ч-л.
 to send a cassette to a record company послать кассету в компанию звукозаписи
to receive a phone call принимать телефонный разговор
 to change completely измениться полностью
 slim girl/maiden стройная девушка
to look elegant выглядеть элегантно
сhic designer clothes шикарная одежда, от дизайнера
 to be on a diet; (She is constantly on a diet). быть на диете; Она постоянно на диете.
to keep body in shape держать себя в форме
to be lucky быть везучим
to lead a poor/rich life вести бедную/ богатую жи

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