Еда, способы приготовления пищи, — КиберПедия 

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Еда, способы приготовления пищи,

2020-06-02 889
Еда, способы приготовления пищи, 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Еда, способы приготовления пищи,

Традиции питания



Britain has its own cuisine and some excellent traditional food. Unfortunately, good British food can be difficult to find. Only a few restaurants in London serve British food which comes from all parts of the country. Kent is the garden of England and is famous for apples and cherries. Most of fish comes through the ports of Yarmouth and Hull. Scotland is the home of salmon and whisky. Whisky is Britain’s most valuable single export product. Lamb is the national dish of Wales. Cider apples come from the orchids in the south-west. Watercress is a local speciality in Hampshire. There are more than 30 different local kinds of cheese. The British make their special style of beer, called bitter. There is also a black beer with a thick, creamy head known as stout that comes from Ireland.

People in Britain as well as throughout the world spend less time cooking.

Most people only have cereal or toast for breakfast during the week, but some still have a full cooked breakfast. A standard full English breakfast may consist of fried bacon and eggs with mushrooms, beans, tomatoes, fried bread, sausages, a toast with marmalade and tea with milk, of course. In Scotland for breakfast they prefer porridge with salt.

Most people do not cook their lunch. They prefer to dine out or buy some takeaway food. People in Britain are more likely to eat fast food than to go out to eat in a posh restaurant. A hamburger and French fries is the most popular fast-food meal in Britain, but not all fast food is American and Chinese or Indian. Fish and chips are the classic British takeaway food. People also like to eat baked potatoes filled with cheese and other fillings and pizza with different toppings.

A lot of people in Britain eat instant or convenience food in the evening during the week to save time and effort. For many families, the main meal of the week is Sunday lunch, perhaps roast beef with Yorkshire pudding.

I. Answer the questions:

1. Does Britain have traditions in food?

2. Is it easy to find British food in London’s restaurants?

3. What is Kent famous for?

4. What places does fish come from?

5. What part of the UK is the home of whisky?

6. Where do cider apples come from?

7. What is a local specialty in Hampshire?

8. Is there much cheese in Britain?

9. What is bitter?

10 What other kind of beer has a thick, creamy head? Where does it come from?

11. Do people cook much throughout the world?

12. What do the British have for breakfast?

13. Do the British often have a cooked breakfast?

14. What does a standard British cooked breakfast consist of?

15. Which of dishes do you like?

16. What do the Scottish prefer for breakfast?

17. Do you cook your lunch?

18. Do the British cook their lunch? Why?

19. Where do they have their lunch?

20. Do you often eat fast food?

21. What is the most popular fast-food meal in Britain?

22. Do you often dine out?

23. Is all fast food American?

24. What is a classical British takeaway?

25. What do the British eat in the evening?

26. What is the main meal of the week for many families?

27. What do you eat for supper?

28. How late do you have supper?

29. How many meals a day do you have?

30. What is your favourite dish?


II. Заполните таблицу, распределив различные продукты по соответствующим колонкам.

peas sole, beef, cherries, onion, milk, chicken, strawberries, yoghurt, duck, butter, potato, cheese, apple, cauliflower, lamb, celery, pork, olive, oil, cranberries, tomato, turkey, salmon, cabbage, carp, pear, perch, beans water melon, cucumber
meat & poultry fish dairy & fats vegetables fruit & berries


III. Translate the following words and phrases.

Make up a menu card, putting the dishes below in the proper section.

smoked salmon ___________________________

carrot cake ___________________________

coffee ___________________________

roast beef ___________________________

strawberries and cream ___________________________

poached sole ___________________________

Swiss cheese ___________________________

Russian tea ___________________________

chocolate fudge cake ___________________________

duck with green peas ___________________________

liqueurs ___________________________

garden soup (a vegetable soup with herbs) ___________________________

Italian salad ___________________________

cherry tart ___________________________

English tea ___________________________










The usual meals in Britain are: breakfast, lunch, tea and supper. Breakfast is generally a bigger meal than they have on the Continent, through some English people like a continental breakfast of rolls, butter and coffee. But the usual English breakfast is porridge or cornflakes with milk or cream and sugar, bacon and eggs, marmalade made from oranges with buttered toasts and tea or coffee. For a change, you can have a boiled egg, cold ham or, perhaps, fish.

People in Britain generally have lunch about one o’clock. A businessman in London usually finds it impossible to come home for lunch, and so he goes to a café or restaurant; but if he is making lunch at home, he has cold meat (left over probably from yesterday’s dinner), potatoes, salad and pickles with a pudding of fruit to follow. Sometimes people have a mutton chop or steak and chips followed by biscuits and cheese, and some people like a glass of light beer with lunch.

Afternoon tea you could hardly call a mean but it is a sociable sort of thing as friends often come in then for a chat while they have their cup of tea with cake or biscuit.

In some houses dinner is the biggest meal of the day. In a great many English homes people make the midday meal the chief one of the day and in the evening they have the much simpler supper – an omelette or sausages, sometimes bacon and eggs, and sometimes just bread and cheese, a cup of coffee or cocoa and fruit.

Some people also have “high tea”. They say there is no use for these afternoon teas where you try to hold a cup of tea in one hand and a piece of bread and butter about as thin as a sheet of paper in the other. They have it between five and six o’clock, and have ham or tongue and tomatoes and salad or sausages with good strong tea, plenty of bread and butter, then stewed fruit, with cream or custard and pastries or a good cake. And that’s what and Englishman calls a good tea.


a traditional meal традиционная еда
a continental breakfast континентальный завтрак
a roll булочка
porridge овсянка
cornflakes кукурузные хлопья
cream сливки
a buttered toast обжаренный кусок хлеба с маслом
a boiled egg вареное яйцо
ham ветчина
a restaurant ресторан
left over from yesterday’s dinner оставшийся от вчерашнего обеда
pickles маринованные овощи
a pudding of fruit фруктовый пудинг
a mutton chop котлета из говядины
steak бифштекс
biscuits печенье
a sociable sort of thing зд.: повод для общения
an omelette омлет
sausages колбаса
bacon and eggs яичница с беконом
cocoa какао
“high tea” плотный ужин с чаем
tongue язык
a tomato помидор
strong tea крепкий чай
stewed fruit консервированные фрукты
custard сладкий заварной крем
pastries печенье
cereal зерновые хлопья

I. Answer the questions

1. What do people eat for breakfast in Britain?

2. When do people generally have lunch? What do people eat for lunch?

3. What is afternoon tea?

4. What is the chief meal of the day? What does it consist of?

5. What do people in Britain eat for the midday meal and supper?

6. What is high tea?

II. Выполните упражнения

Exercise 1. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence below. Use these words:

Englishman, sociable sort of thing, steak, a boiled egg, “high tea”, mutton chop

1. Some people also have ….

2. Sometimes people have a … or … and chips followed by biscuits and cheese, and some people like a glass of light beer with lunch.

3. Afternoon tea you could hardly call a mean but it is a … as friends often come in then for a chat while they have their cup of tea with cake or biscuit.

4. For a change, you can have …, cold ham or, perhaps, fish.

5. And that’s what and … calls a good tea.


Eating at home Еда дома
(not) to feel much like cooking (не) любить готовить
to lay the table накрывать на стол
to put on a little weight прибавлять в весе
to eat for dinner (breakfast, supper) есть на обед (завтрак, ужин)
to put it in the refrigerator положить в холодильник
to be too expensive to eat out слишком дорого, чтобы есть вне дома
to do smb. any harm наносить вред кому-либо
it’s time for high tea время для вечернего чаепития
a proper meal основной прием пищи
What’s for breakfast? Что на завтрак?
Help yourself (to some more). Угощайтесь!
Eating out Еда вне дома
to eat out есть не дома
to be sick and tired of restaurant food быть сытым по горло ресторанной едой
it’s my treat я угощаю
lunch is one me я закажу ланч
to book a table заказывать столик
to use chopsticks пользоваться палочками
to have a snack перекусить
What kind of food would you like to have? Что бы ты хотел?
How about having dinner together? Поужинаем вместе?
to have a wide choice of smth. иметь широкий выбор чего-либо
What would you like to order? Что бы вы хотели заказать?
What’s today’s special? Какое сегодня фирменное блюдо?
Enjoy your meal! Приятного аппетита!
Today’s main course is … Главное блюдо сегодня...
Would you like to have a starter? Вы хотели бы перекусить?

Dialogue 1

Mother: Good morning.

Son: Morning. What’s for breakfast?

Mother: The usual. Eggs, toast, and cereal. Juice, if you want.

Son: I think I’ll just have cereal for a change.

Mother: Help yourself. The cereal and sugar are on the table. The juice is in the refrigerator.

Dialogue 2

Mother: I wonder what we should have for dinner.

Daughter: Are you asking me?

Mother: Yes, I am. I really don’t feel much like cooking, but the family must eat.

Daughter: Well, you know me. I can always eat pizza or spaghetti.

Mother: So I’ve noticed. You’re putting on a little weight, aren’t you?

Daughter: I know. Don’t remind me! I’m starting a new diet day after tomorrow.

Dialogue 3

Donald: Let’s eat out, shall we?

Debra: I’m broke. I’ve gone through my paycheck for the week already.

Donald: Don’t worry about it. It’s my treat.

Debra: You are sure? You’re so generous!

Donald: And nice, too.

Debra: So, where are you talking me?

Donald: Some place you’ve never been before. Donald’s Kitchen.

Dialogue 4

Ned: I think we should get something to eat.

Linda: Are you hungry?

Ned: Hungry? I’m starving.

Linda: There is an Italian restaurant near here.

Ned: Is the food very hot?

Linda: It’s kind of hoot, but it’s very tasty.

Dialogue 5

Kato: How about having dinner together after work?

Mori: Fine.

Kato: Should we have Japanese or American food?

Mori: Whatever you say!

Kato: There is a good steak house around the corner.

Mori: That’s a good idea.




Flavours and Tastes

bitter - горький
sour - кислый
hot - острый
spicy - приправленный специями
sweet - сладкий
savoury - несладкий (любой вкус, отличный от сладкого)
salty - соленый
bland - пресный
tasty/ delicious - вкусный
tasteless - безвкусный
sickly - приторный
stale - черствый


Ways of cooking

to boil – варить
to fry - жарить
to bake - выпекать
to roast - жарить в духовке
to grill - жарить на рашпере
to season - приправлять солью и перцем
to cube/dice - нарезать кубиками
to slice - нарезать тонкими слоями, ломтиками
to chop - нарубить, нашинковать
to whip - взбивать
to stir - размешивать, перемешивать
to steam – парить

to barbecue – жарить мясо целиком

to casserole – запекать

to pickle – засаливать

to be done to a turn – быть готовым до золотой корочки

to siv – просеивать

to whisk – взбивать

to grate – тереть на терке

to role out – раскатать

to sqeeze – отжимать

to sprinkle – посыпать

to dip – набирать половником

to spread – намазывать




Weal – телятина

Pork – свинина

Mutton – баранина

Liver – печень

Kidney – почка

Game – дичь



Herring – сельдь

Salmon – лосось

Cod – треска

Pike – щука

Sardine – сардина

Trout – форель

Crayfish – речной рак

Squid – кальмар

Crab – краб

Lobster – омар

Oyster – устрица

Shrimp – креветка

Prawn – тигровая креветка

Mussel – мидия

Devil fish – осьминог



Garlic – чеснок

Kidney peans – фасоль

Beetroot – свекла

Turnip – репа

Salary – сельдерей

Asparagus – спаржа

Artichoke – артишок

Cauliflower – цветная капуста

Aubergine – баклажан

Parsley – петрушка

Sorrel – щавель

Bayleaf – лавровый лист


Berries / fruit

Cranberry – клюква

Gooseberry – крыжовник

Raspberry – малина

Strawberry – клубника

Tangerine – мандарин

Ginger – имбирь

Vanilla –ваниль

Cinnamon – корица

Persimmon – хурма

Quins – айва

Fig – инжир

Date – финик



Cottage cheese – сыр

Pasta – макаронные изделия

Buckwit – гречка

Simorlina – манная крупа

Millet – просо

Pearl barly – перловка

Rye – рожь

Noodle – лапша

Beef tea – крепкий бульон

Pilau/ pilaw/ pilaff – плов

Meat ball – фрикаделька

Aspic – заливной

Rissole – тефтеля/котлета

Pate – паштет

Puree – пюре

Truffle – трюфель

Dough – тесто

Puff dough – слоеное тесто

Yeast – дрожжи

Fritter – оладий



Walnut – грецкий орех

Cobnut – каштан

Peanut – арахис

Cashew – кешью

Almond – миндаль

Pistachio – фисташка

Cedar nut – кедровый орех


V. Заполните кроссворд


VI. Соотнесите слова с их определениями(с переводом)


Еда, способы приготовления пищи,

Традиции питания



Britain has its own cuisine and some excellent traditional food. Unfortunately, good British food can be difficult to find. Only a few restaurants in London serve British food which comes from all parts of the country. Kent is the garden of England and is famous for apples and cherries. Most of fish comes through the ports of Yarmouth and Hull. Scotland is the home of salmon and whisky. Whisky is Britain’s most valuable single export product. Lamb is the national dish of Wales. Cider apples come from the orchids in the south-west. Watercress is a local speciality in Hampshire. There are more than 30 different local kinds of cheese. The British make their special style of beer, called bitter. There is also a black beer with a thick, creamy head known as stout that comes from Ireland.

People in Britain as well as throughout the world spend less time cooking.

Most people only have cereal or toast for breakfast during the week, but some still have a full cooked breakfast. A standard full English breakfast may consist of fried bacon and eggs with mushrooms, beans, tomatoes, fried bread, sausages, a toast with marmalade and tea with milk, of course. In Scotland for breakfast they prefer porridge with salt.

Most people do not cook their lunch. They prefer to dine out or buy some takeaway food. People in Britain are more likely to eat fast food than to go out to eat in a posh restaurant. A hamburger and French fries is the most popular fast-food meal in Britain, but not all fast food is American and Chinese or Indian. Fish and chips are the classic British takeaway food. People also like to eat baked potatoes filled with cheese and other fillings and pizza with different toppings.

A lot of people in Britain eat instant or convenience food in the evening during the week to save time and effort. For many families, the main meal of the week is Sunday lunch, perhaps roast beef with Yorkshire pudding.

I. Answer the questions:

1. Does Britain have traditions in food?

2. Is it easy to find British food in London’s restaurants?

3. What is Kent famous for?

4. What places does fish come from?

5. What part of the UK is the home of whisky?

6. Where do cider apples come from?

7. What is a local specialty in Hampshire?

8. Is there much cheese in Britain?

9. What is bitter?

10 What other kind of beer has a thick, creamy head? Where does it come from?

11. Do people cook much throughout the world?

12. What do the British have for breakfast?

13. Do the British often have a cooked breakfast?

14. What does a standard British cooked breakfast consist of?

15. Which of dishes do you like?

16. What do the Scottish prefer for breakfast?

17. Do you cook your lunch?

18. Do the British cook their lunch? Why?

19. Where do they have their lunch?

20. Do you often eat fast food?

21. What is the most popular fast-food meal in Britain?

22. Do you often dine out?

23. Is all fast food American?

24. What is a classical British takeaway?

25. What do the British eat in the evening?

26. What is the main meal of the week for many families?

27. What do you eat for supper?

28. How late do you have supper?

29. How many meals a day do you have?

30. What is your favourite dish?


II. Заполните таблицу, распределив различные продукты по соответствующим колонкам.

peas sole, beef, cherries, onion, milk, chicken, strawberries, yoghurt, duck, butter, potato, cheese, apple, cauliflower, lamb, celery, pork, olive, oil, cranberries, tomato, turkey, salmon, cabbage, carp, pear, perch, beans water melon, cucumber
meat & poultry fish dairy & fats vegetables fruit & berries


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