Обведи нужную букву (а, b или с). — КиберПедия 

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Обведи нужную букву (а, b или с).

2020-03-31 811
Обведи нужную букву (а, b или с). 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Part 1. Listening

Задание 1. You will hear two people talking in a clothes shop. Listen and circle the correct answer A, В or C.

e.g. Sally wants to buy

(a)  a skirt.

В  jeans.

С  a jacket.


Sally doesn’t like

A    short skirts.

В   long-sleeved shirts.

 С   black clothes

Sally is a size

A   eight.

В   ten.

С   twelve.

Sally has got

A  £5.

В  £15.

С  £20.


4. Andy likes A  a blue shirt.
В  some jeans. С  a wool sweater.  
5. The shop assistant is A  helping a customer.
В  in front of the coats. С  behind Sally & Andy.

Part 2. Speaking

Задание 1. Прочитай по транскрипции следующие англий­ские слова.



Задание 2. Опиши одну из картинок так, чтобы учитель смог отгадать ее.




Part 1. Reading

Задание 1. Прочитай дефиницию (описание) слова, опре­дели, какое

Это слово, и допиши его.

1.  The colour you get when you mix black and white.              g _ _ _

2. A place where people can go to                                      m _ _ _ _ _

see objects connected with art, history or science.

3. It's a big animal that lives in                                             g _ _ _ _ _ _

 Africa and has a long neck.

4.  They drop from your eyes when you cry.                              t _ _ _ _

5. To use a pen or a pencil to                                                d _ _ _

 make a picture of something.

Задание 2. Выбери правильную ответную реплику из трех предложенных.

1) Do you need any help?______ A. Neither do I. B.  No, I don't. C.  It's all right, thank you. I can       manage.
2) I've got to go now. _________  A. Bye, Sam. See you soon B. That's all right, Sam. C.       Yes, please do.
3) Thank you for the party.________ А.  Yes, it was nice. B.   I'm glad you liked it. C.   Yes, you're right.
4) I love Italian food.______________ A.  Neither do I. B.  So do I. C.  Yes, it will be nice.
5) Thank you very much._______ A.  Thanks. The same to you. B.        Fine, thanks. C.       Thant's all right.




Задание 3. Заполни таблицу, выписав кратко нужную информацию из

текста (не более 3-4 слов).


1. The period of Stone Age.    
2. The reason Stone Age people changed places.    
3. Materials used for Stone Age tools.    
4. The role of technology.    
5. The role of fire for Stone Age people.    
6. Stone age people used to make and keep fire.    


Imagine you woke up in the Stone Age, about 15,000 years ago. There would be no towns, no roads, and no buildings.

But what would be there? Wild nature full of wild animals like giant heavy elephants and bears. People lived with large groups of relatives. They were nomads — people who, having no permanent house, move from place to place in search of food.

Tools were made of rocks, branches or animal bones. Usually they were too heavy to carry, so parents taught their children how to make new tools in a new place. The making of tools is an example of technology. It is the development of useful things that make our life easier. For example, computers and cell phones are part of modern technology.

The most important Stone Age technology was about making fire. Fire had many uses — to warm people, to cook meat and to frighten dangerous animals away from the cave.

To carry and keep fire people invented a kind of lamp — a stone base, filled with animal fat or grease bas a candle. Later flint helped people to improve their technology. Flint is a very hard rock that produces sparkles, when we rub it against another rock.


Part  2. Use of English

Задание 1 Напиши одно обобщающее слово (категорию)! для каждой

Группы слов.

Q) capitals Moscow, London, Washington D.C., Paris.
1) Russia, France, Germany, Japan.
2) mother, father, grandparents, children.
3) tomato, onion, bean, pepper.
4) chess, hide-and-seek, basketball, bingo.
5) rabbit, wolf, dog, turtle.

Задание 2. Выбери правильный вариант ответа для каждого пропуска. Обведи нужную букву (а, b или с).

0/ Look at...........! They're playing with the puppy!

a) they                                  b) their                      c) them


1/ There is….. orange juice in the fridge.

a) the                                    b) an                        c) some


2/ St. Petersburg is the.........................  place I know.

a) more beautiful                b) most beautiful   c) beautiful


3/ He is the boy.…… mother is a teacher.

a) whose                                  b) who's                   c) which


4/ I …. this book yet.

a) didn't  read                                      b) haven't read                c) don't read


5/ We.................  a new    computer last month.

a) have  bought                                        b) bought                       c) buy



Part 3. Writing

Напиши электронное письмо другу (40-50 слов) и расска­жи о том, как ты провел вчера день.

Не забудь:

•  обратиться к другу по имени;

•  сказать, где и с кем ты был (а) вчера;

•  рассказать, что ты делал (а) или видел (а);

•  описать свои ощущения;

•  попрощаться с другом и подписать письмо.




АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК                                                         ВАРИАНТ Код Региона               Код Школы                        Код Класса -Ученик----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Фамилия                                                                               Пол М □ Ж □ Имя                                            Дата проведения (ДД-ММ-ГГ)     -     -




Part 1. Listening

Задание 1. Listen to two friends talking and circle True or False.

e.g  Becky is going home.           True              False   1. The weather is good.           True                   False 2. Jo is wearing a coat.           True         False 3. Jo hasn't got any plans for the weekend.           True            False 4. Becky wants to buy a new skirt.        True            False 5. Becky and Jo wilt go shopping at eleven.               True            False Part 2. Speaking Задание 1. Прочитай по транскрипции следующие англий­ские слова.   Задание 2. Опиши одну из картинок так, чтобы учитель смог отгадать ее.     РАЗДЕЛ 2. ПИСЬМЕННАЯ РЕЧЬ Part 1. Reading Задание 1. Прочитай дефиницию (описание) слова, опре­дели, какое это слово, и допиши его.                                                                              1) The colour of snow and clouds.                              w _ _ _ _ 2) A place in the house where people cook food and have breakfast.                                   k_ _ _ _ _ _                                                                                      3)   It's a small animal with a long tail and a long nose that likes cheese.                           m____    4) We eat it and feel hungry without it.                          f _ _ _  
5) The word which describes a person, who tells the truth, doesn't lie or cheat.              h _ _ _ _ _

Задание 2. Выбери правильную ответную реплику из трех предложенных.

1) I'm sorry I'm late.   ______________________ A. Fine, thanks. B. That's all right. C. Oh, sorry.


2) I'm writing my English test tomorrow. ______________________   A. Congratulations! B. Yes, you do. C. Good luck!
3) Did you have a good trip? __________________________ A. Yes, very good, thanks. B. Have a good trip. C. No, of course not.
4) Another cup of tea, Julia? ____________________ A. Yes, please. B. Yes, thank you. C. No, I don't.
5) Have a nice weekend. ____________________   A. Have a nice time. B. Thank you, the same to you. C. Goodbye.


Задание 3. Заполни таблицу, выписав кратко нужную информацию

 из текста (не более 3-4 слов).


1. Things people wrote on 5,000 years ago.  
2. Things people wrote with 5,000 years ago.  
3. Where to find information about past times.  
4. Where to find latest written information.  
5. The civilization that used writing first.  
6. The 3 things early civilizations had the first.  


A young boy takes his place in a row of school benches. The time is about 5,000 years ago, and a school day is beginning.

The boy picks up a writing tablet that is made of clay. He looks at the lesson that his teacher has prepared. The boy uses a pointed stick to copy symbols onto the tablet.

You are now in the classroom in 2011. Pens, pencils and paper have replaced sticks and clay tablets. Today we learn about our past from books, journals, diaries and letters. We learn about our times from newspapers and magazines.

What is the link between you and the boy in ancient times? What makes it possible to read about a student in 3,000 B.C. and about the last match of your favourite team?

Writing is what makes it possible. Many historians believe that the Sumerians developed the first system of writing. The student who marked his tablet ages ago belonged to the civilization that gave us the art of writing.

Sumerians, Egyptians and Phoenicians were the three ancient peoples that were the first to live in cities; to set up governments to share their ideas in writing.



Part 2. Use of English


Задание 1. Напиши одно обобщающее слово (категорию) для каждой группы слов.


0) capitals Moscow, London, Washington D.C., Paris.
1) February, September, January, April.
2) parent, aunt, uncle, cousin.
3) cabbage, carrot, cucumber, potato.
4) two, five, twenty, fifty.
5) bear, fox, giraffe, lion.


Задание 2. Выбери правильный вариант ответа для каж­дого пропуска.

Part 3. Writing

Напиши электронное письмо другу (40-50 слов) и расска­жи о том, как

Ты провел вчера день.

Не забудь:

•  обратиться к другу по имени;

•  сказать, где и с кем ты был(а) вчера;

•  рассказать, что ты делал(а) или видел(а);

•  описать свои ощущения;

•  попрощаться с другом и подписать письмо.







Текст аудиозаписи

Andy: I like this shop. They’ve got nice clothes for girls six and for boys.

Sally: Yes, they have. Look... these jeans are nice... but I’m not looking for jeans, I’m looking for a new skirt.

Andy: Well, what about that long black one? It’s really nice!

Sally: Yes, it’s nice, but black looks terrible on me. What about this short green one?

Andy: Oh, yes, that’s lovely! What size is it?

Salty: It’s a size twelve but I’m a ten.

Andy: Let’s see. Size six... size eight... here you are, size ten!

Sally: Great! Oh, wait a minute. I’ve got £20. How much is the skirt?

Andy: It’s only £15.

Sally: OK. So... what about you?

Andy: I don’t know. What about some jeans?

Sally: But you’re wearing some new jeans! Look over here - they’ve got some really nice shirts and sweaters.

Andy: Yes, I like that blue shirt... and it’s only £12! That’s fine.

Sally: Right, let’s find a shop assistant.

Andy: I can see one over there in front of the winter coats. 

Sally: Oh, yes. She isn’t with a customer. Let’s go.


Раздел 1. Устная речь.

Part 1. Listening

Задание 1.

1. C

2. B

3. C

4. A

5. B

Раздел 2. Письменная речь.

Part 1. Reading

Задание 1.

1. grey

2. museum

3. giraffe

4. tears

5. draw

Задание 2. 1.С 2.А 3.В 4. В 5.С

Задание 3.

1. 15,000 years ago

2. in search of food

3. rocks, branches, bones

4. to make life easier

5. to warm, to cook, to frighten

6. stones, animal fat, flinch

Part 2. Use of English


Задание 1.

1. countries

2. families

3. vegetables

4. games

5. animals


Задание 2.

1. C

2. B

3. A

4. B

5. B








Текст аудиозаписи

Becky: Hi, Jo!

Jo: Oh, hi, Becky! Where are you going?

Becky: I'm going to the bakery to buy some bread. What are you doing in your front garden? It’s a very cold and windy day!

Jo: I know, but I’m planting some flowers for my dad. Becky: Are you cold?

Jo: Not really. I’m wearing a thick coat and I’m working hard!

Becky: Oh, that’s OK then. Listen! Have you got any plans for the weekend?

Jo: No. Why?’

Becky: Let’s go shopping together. I want to buy some new jeans. You can help me!

Jo: OK, then. What time do you want to go?

Becky: In the morning.

Jo: OK. Come to my house at half past nine.

Becky: OK, great!

Раздел 1. Устная речь.

Part 1. Listening

Задание 1.

1. False

2. True

3. True

4. False

5. False


           Раздел 2. Письменная речь.

Part 1. Reading

Задание 1.

1. white

2. kitchen

3. mouse

4. food

5. honest

Задание 2. 1.B 2.C 3.A 4. A 5.B

Задание 3.

1. (clay) tablets

2. (pointed) sticks

3. books, journals, diaries, letters

4. newspapers, magazines

5. the Sumerians

6. cities, governments, writing

Part 2. Use of English


Задание 1.

1. months

2. relatives

3. vegetables

4.  numbers

5. animals


Задание 2.

1. B

2. B

3. C

4. A

5. B








Part 1. Listening

Задание 1. You will hear two people talking in a clothes shop. Listen and circle the correct answer A, В or C.

e.g. Sally wants to buy

(a)  a skirt.

В  jeans.

С  a jacket.


Sally doesn’t like

A    short skirts.

В   long-sleeved shirts.

 С   black clothes

Sally is a size

A   eight.

В   ten.

С   twelve.

Sally has got

A  £5.

В  £15.

С  £20.


4. Andy likes A  a blue shirt.
В  some jeans. С  a wool sweater.  
5. The shop assistant is A  helping a customer.
В  in front of the coats. С  behind Sally & Andy.

Part 2. Speaking

Задание 1. Прочитай по транскрипции следующие англий­ские слова.



Задание 2. Опиши одну из картинок так, чтобы учитель смог отгадать ее.




Part 1. Reading

Задание 1. Прочитай дефиницию (описание) слова, опре­дели, какое

Это слово, и допиши его.

1.  The colour you get when you mix black and white.              g _ _ _

2. A place where people can go to                                      m _ _ _ _ _

see objects connected with art, history or science.

3. It's a big animal that lives in                                             g _ _ _ _ _ _

 Africa and has a long neck.

4.  They drop from your eyes when you cry.                              t _ _ _ _

5. To use a pen or a pencil to                                                d _ _ _

 make a picture of something.

Задание 2. Выбери правильную ответную реплику из трех предложенных.

1) Do you need any help?______ A. Neither do I. B.  No, I don't. C.  It's all right, thank you. I can       manage.
2) I've got to go now. _________  A. Bye, Sam. See you soon B. That's all right, Sam. C.       Yes, please do.
3) Thank you for the party.________ А.  Yes, it was nice. B.   I'm glad you liked it. C.   Yes, you're right.
4) I love Italian food.______________ A.  Neither do I. B.  So do I. C.  Yes, it will be nice.
5) Thank you very much._______ A.  Thanks. The same to you. B.        Fine, thanks. C.       Thant's all right.




Задание 3. Заполни таблицу, выписав кратко нужную информацию из

текста (не более 3-4 слов).


1. The period of Stone Age.    
2. The reason Stone Age people changed places.    
3. Materials used for Stone Age tools.    
4. The role of technology.    
5. The role of fire for Stone Age people.    
6. Stone age people used to make and keep fire.    


Imagine you woke up in the Stone Age, about 15,000 years ago. There would be no towns, no roads, and no buildings.

But what would be there? Wild nature full of wild animals like giant heavy elephants and bears. People lived with large groups of relatives. They were nomads — people who, having no permanent house, move from place to place in search of food.

Tools were made of rocks, branches or animal bones. Usually they were too heavy to carry, so parents taught their children how to make new tools in a new place. The making of tools is an example of technology. It is the development of useful things that make our life easier. For example, computers and cell phones are part of modern technology.

The most important Stone Age technology was about making fire. Fire had many uses — to warm people, to cook meat and to frighten dangerous animals away from the cave.

To carry and keep fire people invented a kind of lamp — a stone base, filled with animal fat or grease bas a candle. Later flint helped people to improve their technology. Flint is a very hard rock that produces sparkles, when we rub it against another rock.


Part  2. Use of English

Задание 1 Напиши одно обобщающее слово (категорию)! для каждой

Группы слов.

Q) capitals Moscow, London, Washington D.C., Paris.
1) Russia, France, Germany, Japan.
2) mother, father, grandparents, children.
3) tomato, onion, bean, pepper.
4) chess, hide-and-seek, basketball, bingo.
5) rabbit, wolf, dog, turtle.

Задание 2. Выбери правильный вариант ответа для каждого пропуска. Обведи нужную букву (а, b или с).

0/ Look at...........! They're playing with the puppy!

a) they                                  b) their                      c) them


1/ There is….. orange juice in the fridge.

a) the                                    b) an                        c) some


2/ St. Petersburg is the.........................  place I know.

a) more beautiful                b) most beautiful   c) beautiful


3/ He is the boy.…… mother is a teacher.

a) whose                                  b) who's                   c) which


4/ I …. this book yet.

a) didn't  read                                      b) haven't read                c) don't read


5/ We.................  a new    computer last month.

a) have  bought                                        b) bought                       c) buy



Part 3. Writing

Напиши электронное письмо другу (40-50 слов) и расска­жи о том, как ты провел вчера день.

Не забудь:

•  обратиться к другу по имени;

•  сказать, где и с кем ты был (а) вчера;

•  рассказать, что ты делал (а) или видел (а);

•  описать свои ощущения;

•  попрощаться с другом и подписать письмо.




АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК                                                         ВАРИАНТ Код Региона               Код Школы                        Код Класса -Ученик----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Фамилия                                                                               Пол М □ Ж □ Имя                                            Дата проведения (ДД-ММ-ГГ)     -     -




Part 1. Listening

Задание 1. Listen to two friends talking and circle True or False.

e.g  Becky is going home.           True              False   1. The weather is good.           True                   False 2. Jo is wearing a coat.           True         False 3. Jo hasn't got any plans for the weekend.           True            False 4. Becky wants to buy a new skirt.        True            False 5. Becky and Jo wilt go shopping at eleven.               True            False Part 2. Speaking Задание 1. Прочитай по транскрипции следующие англий­ские слова.   Задание 2. Опиши одну из картинок так, чтобы учитель смог отгадать ее.     РАЗДЕЛ 2. ПИСЬМЕННАЯ РЕЧЬ Part 1. Reading Задание 1. Прочитай дефиницию (описание) слова, опре­дели, какое это слово, и допиши его.                                                                              1) The colour of snow and clouds.                              w _ _ _ _ 2) A place in the house where people cook food and have breakfast.                                   k_ _ _ _ _ _                                                                                      3)   It's a small animal with a long tail and a long nose that likes cheese.                           m____    4) We eat it and feel hungry without it.                          f _ _ _  
5) The word which describes a person, who tells the truth, doesn't lie or cheat.              h _ _ _ _ _

Задание 2. Выбери правильную ответную реплику из трех предложенных.

1) I'm sorry I'm late.   ______________________ A. Fine, thanks. B. That's all right. C. Oh, sorry.


2) I'm writing my English test tomorrow. ______________________   A. Congratulations! B. Yes, you do. C. Good luck!
3) Did you have a good trip? __________________________ A. Yes, very good, thanks. B. Have a good trip. C. No, of course not.
4) Another cup of tea, Julia? ____________________ A. Yes, please. B. Yes, thank you. C. No, I don't.
5) Have a nice weekend. ____________________   A. Have a nice time. B. Thank you, the same to you. C. Goodbye.


Задание 3. Заполни таблицу, выписав кратко нужную информацию

 из текста (не более 3-4 слов).


1. Things people wrote on 5,000 years ago.  
2. Things people wrote with 5,000 years ago.  
3. Where to find information about past times.  
4. Where to find latest written information.  
5. The civilization that used writing first.  
6. The 3 things early civilizations had the first.  


A young boy takes his place in a row of school benches. The time is about 5,000 years ago, and a school day is beginning.

The boy picks up a writing tablet that is made of clay. He looks at the lesson that his teacher has prepared. The boy uses a pointed stick to copy symbols onto the tablet.

You are now in the classroom in 2011. Pens, pencils and paper have replaced sticks and clay tablets. Today we learn about our past from books, journals, diaries and letters. We learn about our times from newspapers and magazines.

What is the link between you and the boy in ancient times? What makes it possible to read about a student in 3,000 B.C. and about the last match of your favourite team?

Writing is what makes it possible. Many historians believe that the Sumerians developed the first system of writing. The student who marked his tablet ages ago belonged to the civilization that gave us the art of writing.

Sumerians, Egyptians and Phoenicians were the three ancient peoples that were the first to live in cities; to set up governments to share their ideas in writing.



Part 2. Use of English


Задание 1. Напиши одно обобщающее слово (категорию) для каждой группы слов.


0) capitals Moscow, London, Washington D.C., Paris.
1) February, September, January, April.
2) parent, aunt, uncle, cousin.
3) cabbage, carrot, cucumber, potato.
4) two, five, twenty, fifty.
5) bear, fox, giraffe, lion.


Задание 2. Выбери правильный вариант ответа для каж­дого пропуска.

Обведи нужную букву (а, b или с).

О/ Look at....................................! They are playing with the puppy!

a) they                             b) their                     c) them


1/ Cheetahs run than lions.

a) fastest            b) faster                  c) fast


2/ I usually drink a glass of milk.... I go to bed.

 a)but                    b) before       c)                 because


3/ Tomorrow is Sunday and I..................................................  get up early.

a)  can't                b) mustn't               c) don't have to


4/ My mum usually comes back.... home at six o'clock.

a) -                   b) at                       c) to


5/ We................  a new computer last Friday.

a) buy                   b) bought                  c) buying



Part 3. Writing

Напиши электронное письмо другу (40-50 слов) и расска­жи о том, как

Ты провел вчера день.

Не забудь:

•  обратиться к другу по имени;

•  сказать, где и с кем ты был(а) вчера;

•  рассказать, что ты делал(а) или видел(а);

•  описать свои ощущения;

•  попрощаться с другом и подписать письмо.







Текст аудиозаписи

Andy: I like this shop. They’ve got nice clothes for girls six and for boys.

Sally: Yes, they have. Look... these jeans are nice... but I’m not looking for jeans, I’m looking for a new skirt.

Andy: Well, what about that long black one? It’s really nice!

Sally: Yes, it’s nice, but black looks terrible on me. What about this short green one?

Andy: Oh, yes, that’s lovely! What size is it?

Salty: It’s a size twelve but I’m a ten.

Andy: Let’s see. Size six... size eight... here you are, size ten!

Sally: Great! Oh, wait a minute. I’ve got £20. How much is the skirt?

Andy: It’s only £15.

Sally: OK. So... what about you?

Andy: I don’t know. What about some jeans?

Sally: But you’re wearing some new jeans! Look over here - they’ve got some really nice shirts and sweaters.

Andy: Yes, I like that blue shirt... and it’s only £12! That’s fine.

Sally: Right, let’s find a shop assistant.

Andy: I can see one over there in front of the winter coats. 

Sally: Oh, yes. She isn’t with a customer. Let’s go.


Раздел 1. Устная речь.

Part 1. Listening

Задание 1.

1. C

2. B

3. C

4. A

5. B

Раздел 2. Письменная речь.

Part 1. Reading

Задание 1.

1. grey

2. museum

3. giraffe

4. tears

5. draw

Задание 2. 1.С 2.А 3.В 4. В 5.С

Задание 3.

1. 15,000 years ago

2. in search of food

3. rocks, branches, bones

4. to make life easier

5. to warm, to cook, to frighten

6. stones, animal fat, flinch

Part 2. Use of English


Задание 1.

1. countries

2. families

3. vegetables

4. games

5. animals


Задание 2.

1. C

2. B

3. A

4. B

5. B








Текст аудиозаписи

Becky: Hi, Jo!

Jo: Oh, hi, Becky! Where are you going?

Becky: I'm going to the bakery to buy some bread. What are you doing in your front garden? It’s a very cold and windy day!

Jo: I know, but I’m planting some flowers for my dad. Becky: Are you cold?

Jo: Not really. I’m wearing a thick coat and I’m working hard!

Becky: Oh, that’s OK then. Listen! Have you got any plans for the weekend?

Jo: No. Why?’

Becky: Let’s go shopping together. I want to buy some new jeans. You can help me!

Jo: OK, then. What time do you want to go?

Becky: In the morning.

Jo: OK. Come to my house at half past nine.

Becky: OK, great!

Раздел 1. Устная речь.

Part 1. Listening

Задание 1.

1. False

2. True

3. True

4. False

5. False


           Раздел 2. Письменная речь.

Part 1. Reading

Задание 1.

1. white

2. kitchen

3. mouse

4. food

5. honest

Задание 2. 1.B 2.C 3.A 4. A 5.B

Задание 3.

1. (clay) tablets

2. (pointed) sticks

3. books, journals, diaries, letters

4. newspapers, magazines

5. the Sumerians

6. cities, governments, writing

Part 2. Use of English


Задание 1.

1. months

2. relatives

3. vegetables

4.  numbers

5. animals


Задание 2.

1. B

2. B

3. C

4. A

5. B






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