Тема 1. Этика делового общения — КиберПедия 

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Тема 1. Этика делового общения

2018-01-13 221
Тема 1. Этика делового общения 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Пояснительная записка 3 Содержание программы 4 Содержание контрольной работы 7 Методические рекомендации по выполнению контрольной работы 7 Методические рекомендации по оформлению контрольной работы 9 Образцы выполнения заданий 10 Таблица выбора варианта контрольной работы 14 Задания контрольной работы 17 Рекомендуемая литература 43    





Целью дисциплины “Иностранный язык делового общения” является

формирование у учащихся следующих умений и навыков:

- устного общения и письменной речи на иностранном языке, позволяющих осуществить языковую коммуникацию, вести деловые переговоры и корреспонденцию на иностранном языке;

- чтения и навыков общественно-политической, экономической, специальной литературы;

- самостоятельного извлечения экономической информации из иностранных источников;

- восприятие на слух информации делового и экономического характера.


Список литературы содержит наименования основных литературных источников, которые учащийся может использовать при изучении дисциплины и выполнении контрольной работы.




Предметно-тематическое содержание иноязычной речи


Тема 1. Этика делового общения

Знакомство, деловое представление, визитные карточки.

Виды предприятий. Представление своего предприятия (фирмы).

Персонал фирмы.

Страны, языки.

Тема 2. Рабочий день делового человека

Ведение деловой корреспонденции. Разговор по телефону. Командировка за рубеж. В аэропорту, на вокзале. Папертный контроль. Деловые встречи, контакты, ярмарки, выставки.


Тема 3. Экономика страны изучаемого языка

Страна изучаемого языка. Геополитическое положение страны.

Особенности развития материального производства.

Промышленность и хозяйство стран изучаемого языка.

Тема 4. Республика Беларусь

Экономика Республики Беларусь

Геополитическое положение Республики Беларусь. Особенности развития материального производства, промышленность как составляющая народно-хозяйственного комплекса. Отраслевая структура промышленности. Производственная инфраструктура. Характеристика сельского хозяйства.

Тема 5. Образование

Система образования в стране изучаемого языка и Республике Беларусь. Моя будущая специальность. Учебное заведение, в котором я учусь.


Тема 6. Экономика

Экономические науки. Экономические системы. Рыночная экономика. Централизованная экономика. Переход от плановой экономики к рыночной.


Тема 7. Маркетинг

Комплекс маркетинга. Реклама.


Тема 8.Менеджмент.

Функции менеджмента. Задачи менеджера.

Темы по специализации учебного заведения. ( Оптовая торговля. Розничная торговля.)


Языковой материал. Фонетика.


Общие сведения о звуковом строе и орфографии английского языка.


Языковой материал. Грамматика.

Части речи.


Общие сведения. Категория числа существительных. Притяжательный падеж.

Артикль. Общие сведения. Употребление неопределенного артикля. Употребление определенного артикля. Отсутствие артикля.


Общие сведения. Степени сравнения прилагательных.

Местоимение. Общие сведения. Личные местоимения. Притяжательные местоимения. Указательные местоимения. Вопросительные местоимения. Возвратные местоимения. Неопределенные местоимения.


Общие сведения. Степени сравнения прилагательных.


Количественные и порядковые числительные. Хронологические даты.

Глагол. Общие сведения. Глаголы to be,to have.Оборот there is (there are).

Система видовременных форма глагола в изъявительном наклонении действительного залога.

Настоящее, прошедшее и будущее неопределенное (простое) время (Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite, Future Indefinite Tense).

Настоящее, прошедшее и будущее продолженное (длительное) время (Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Future Continuous Tense).

Настоящее, прошедшее и будущее совершенное время (Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect Tense)

Модальные глаголы. Can, must, may.

Страдательный залог. Общие сведения.

Согласование времен. Прямая и косвенная речь.

Неличные формы глагола. Инфинитив. Причастие. Герундий.

Наречие. Классификация наречий по значению.

Конструкции Complex Object с инфинитивом, причастием I и причастием II.

Конструкция “Инфинитив с предлогом for”.

Абсолютный самостоятельный причастный оборот с причастием I и причастием II.

Конструкция Complex Object.

Герундиальный оборот.

Сослагательное наклонение.

Условное наклонение.

Сложноподчиненное предложение. Союзное и бессоюзное подчинение.

Бессоюзные придаточные предложения. Придаточные предложения условия, дополнительные и определительные.





При выполнении контрольной работы учащимся необходимо руководствоваться следующим:

1. Вариант контрольной работы определяется по двум последним цифрам личного дела учащегося;

2. Каждый вариант включает в себя 10 заданий: текст и задания к тексту, диалог, составление делового письма, а также грамматические задания.

3. Для выполнения заданий контрольной работы требуется изучить разделы программы под названием «Предметно-тематическое содержание иноязычной речи» ” по всем темам, изложенным в программе данного курса, а также грамматики в объеме данной контрольной работы.

4. Задание 1-8 предполагают работу с текстом. Каждое задание в этом разделе включает в себя 5 подпунктов. Например, задание 1 включает пункты 1.1 – 1.5, задание 2 2.1 – 2.5 и т.д. Это лексические задания, ориентированные на тематику делового английского языка.

5. Для выполнений заданий 9 – 16 необходимо проработать диалоги по рекомендованным темам.

6. Для выполнения заданий 17 – 24 вы можете обратиться к рекомендованной литературе, указанной в перечне литературы к данной контрольной работе.

7. Грамматический раздел контрольной работы включает в себя задания с 25 по 80.

8. Изучите весь грамматический материал, изложенный в программе для данной контрольной работы. Выполнение каждого задания по грамматике рекомендуется начинать только после тщательного изучения соответствующего раздела грамматики.

9. Так,

· для выполнения заданий 25-32 изучите раздел “Артикли”;

· 33-40 “Прилагательные. Степени сравнения прилагательных”;

· 41-48 “Система видовременных форм глагола в изъявительном наклонении действительного залога. Настоящее, прошедшее, будущее неопределенное (простое) время (Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite, Future Indefinite). Настоящее, прошедшее, будущее продолженное (длительное время) (Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Future Continuous), настоящее, прошедшее и будущее совершенное время (Preset Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect)”

· 49-56 “Страдательный залог. Система видовременных форм глагола в изъявительном наклонении страдательного залога. Настоящее, прошедшее и будущее неопределенное (простое) время (Present, Past, Future Indefinite)”;

· 57-64 “Условное наклонение. 3 типа условных предложений”;

· 65–72 “Неличные формы глагола. Инфинитив, его формы и функции в предложении. Герундий и герундиальный оборот. Способы перевода предложений, содержащих неличные формы глагола на русский язык”.

· 73-80 “Конструкция “Complex Object с инфинитивом, причастием I и причастием II. Конструкция “Complex Subject”. Конструкция “ Инфинитив с предлогом for”. Абсолютный самостоятельный причастный оборот с причастием I и причастием II.”

10. При выполнении заданий контрольной работы воспользуйтесь приведенными ниже образцами.



11. Вариант контрольной работы определяется по двум последним цифрам личного дела учащегося;

12. Контрольная работа выполняется в отдельной тонкой тетради фиолетовыми чернилами, наличие полей обязательно.

13. Допускается набор текста ответов на вопросы контрольной работы на компьютере с последующей распечаткой на листах формата А4.

14. При выполнении задания на перевод, поделите страницу на две колонки, в левую перепишите текст, а в правую перевод. (см. выше образец выполнения задания).

15. Аналогично оформляется задание 9-16.

16. Деловое письмо (задания 17-24) оформляется на отдельной странице с указанием реквизитов.

17. При оформлении грамматических заданий обязательно указывается номер каждого задания и каждого предложения. Каждое предложение в грамматическом задании пишется с отдельной строки.

18. В конце работы указывается список использованной литературы, дата выполнения работы, подпись учащегося.



Задание 1


1.1. Прочитайте текст.

1.2. Перепишите и переведите письменно 4-й абзац текста и переведите его на русский язык.


  (4) Australia has traditionally been handicapped by a lack of capital--that is, money to finance business and industrial development. As a result, the country has had to borrow capital from other nations and has become heavily indebted to them. Many mining companies, factories, and other businesses in Australia are owned or controlled by American, British, Japanese, and other foreign investors.     (4) В Австралии традиционно существовал недостаток капитала, т.е. денег для финансирования бизнеса и промышленного развития. В результате этого Австралии приходилось заимствовать капитал в других странах и она оказалась в глубокой задолженности по отношению к ним. Много добывающих компаний, фабрик и других фирм в Австралии находятся в собственности американских, британских, японских и других инвесторов или под их контролем.


1.3. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и ответьте письменно на них:


1. How have most developed rich countries become rich?

Most developed countries have become rich through the production and export of the manufactured goods.

2. For many years, manufacturing was the leading employer in Australia, wasn’t it?

Yes, it was. For many years, manufacturing was the leading employer in Australia.


1. 4. Перепишите следующие слова и выражения и напишите их русские эквиваленты:


most developed country – большинство развитых стран

earn – зарабатывать

importance - значение


1.5. Закончите предложения, используя предлагаемые варианты:


1. Australia's wealth, however, has come …

a) chiefly from farming and forestry.

b) chiefly from farming and mining.

c) chiefly from manufacturing and mining.

Переписывать все пункты а), b), c) не требуется, необходимо написать только выбранный Вами вариант.

Australia's wealth, however, has come chiefly from farming and mining.


Внимание! Смотрите код по крайней левой колонке и только по верхней строчке всей таблицы! В каждой контрольной десять заданий, причем первое задание состоит из шести подпунктов.

Пред-последняя цифра шифра Последняя цифра шифра





Задание 1


1.3. Прочитайте текст.

1.4. Перепишите и переведите письменно 1-й, 2-й и 3-й абзацы текста на русский язык.

1.3. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и ответьте письменно на них:


3. Where has Australia’s wealth chiefly come from?

4. What makes up a major part of Australia’s manufacturing industry?

5. What changes have taken place in Australian economy since 1970?

6. How does Australia earn the export income?

7. Where does Australia’s export go?

8. Australia has traditionally been handicapped by a lack of capital, hasn’t it?




(1) Australia is one of the world's rich, developed countries. Most developed countries have become rich through the production and export of manufactured goods. Australia's wealth, however, has come chiefly from farming and mining.


(2) The processing of farm and mineral products makes up a major part of Australia's manufacturing industry. For many years, manufacturing was the leading employer in Australia. But since about 1970, manufacturing has declined in importance, while service industries have increased in importance.


(3) The nation relies on its farms and mines to produce goods for export. By selling farm products and minerals abroad, Australia earns the export income that most other developed countries earn from the sale of manufactured products. However, only part of Australia's export income goes to the farmers and mining companies that produce the goods originally. Much of it goes to firms that process and distribute the goods. Thus, Australia's agricultural and mineral exports benefit the economy and enable many Australians to have a high standard of living.


(4) Australia has traditionally been handicapped by a lack of capital--that is, money to finance business and industrial development. As a result, the country has had to borrow capital from other nations and has become heavily indebted to them. Many mining companies, factories, and other businesses in Australia are owned or controlled by American, British, Japanese, and other foreign investors.




manufactured goods – промышленные товары

farming – фермерство

mining – горное дело

processing - переработка

manufacturing – производство, промышленность

employer – работодатель

income – доход

standard of living – уровень жизни

handicap – ощущать нехватку

borrow – брать в долг


1. 4. Перепишите следующие слова и выражения и напишите их русские эквиваленты:


developed country, production of manufactured goods, wealth, processing of farm products, leading employer, decline (increase) in importance, earn, export income, sale, manufactured products, distribute, thus, benefit, enable, high standard of living, handicap, lack of capital, industrial development, borrow capital, own, investors.


1.5. Закончите предложения, используя предлагаемые варианты:


1. Australia's wealth, however, has come …

d) chiefly from farming and forestry.

e) chiefly from farming and mining.

f) chiefly from manufacturing and mining.

2. Since about 1970, manufacturing …

a) has declined in importance, while service industries have increased in importance.

b) has increased in importance, while service industries have declined in importance.

c) has not declined in importance.

3. The nation relies on its farms and mines…

a) to produce goods for export.

b) to produce goods to meet the demands of Australians.

c) to produce goods for export.

4. Only part of Australia's export income goes…

a) to the farmers and agricultural companies that produce the goods originally.

b) to the farmers and mining companies that produce the goods originally.

c) to the farmers and industrial companies that produce the goods originally.


1.6. Перескажите текст.


Задание 2


2.1. Прочитайте текст.

2.2. Перепишите и переведите письменно 1-й, 2-й, 3-й и 4-й абзацы текста на русский язык.

2.3. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и ответьте письменно на них:


1. Why do Australia’s farms require a minimum of human labor?

2. What part of country’s workers are farmers?

3. How do farmers make the cropland highly productive?

4. What are Australia’s leading farm products?

5. What products are country’s chief agricultural products?

6. Wheat is grown in all areas of the country, isn’t it?





(1) Australia's farms are highly mechanized and thus require a minimum of human labor. Only about 5 per cent of the country's workers are farmers. But they produce nearly all the food the people need.


(2) Farmland covers about 65 per cent of Australia. However, most of this land is dry grazing land. Crops are grown on only about 5 per cent of the farmland. But farmers use modern agricultural methods and so make the cropland highly productive. About 10 per cent of the cropland is irrigated.


(3) Australia's leading farm products by far are cattle and calves, wheat, and wool, followed by dairy products, fruits, and sugar cane. These products are also the country's chief agricultural exports. Australia is the world's largest producer and exporter of wool and a leading producer and exporter of beef, sugar, and wheat. The country's other major farm products include barley, chickens and eggs, oats, rice, potatoes, sheep and lambs, vegetables, and cotton.


(4) Sheep and cattle are raised in all the Australian states. New South Wales and Western Australia together raise more than half the country's sheep and produce about half its wool.. Victoria is the leading producer of dairy products.


(5) Wheat is grown in all areas of the country that have medium rainfall and moderate temperatures. But production is heavily concentrated in New South Wales and Western Australia. Farms on the east coast of Queensland grow sugar cane, bananas, pineapples, and other crops that need a wet tropical climate. Such fruits as apples and pears are grown in all the states. New South Wales and South Australia produce most of the country's oranges. South Australia also produces large quantities of grapes for use in making wine.




thus – таким образом

farmland – фермерские угодья

crops – сельскохозяйственные культуры

croplands – сельскохозяйственные угодья

irrigate – орошать

cattle – крупнорогатый скот

raise – выращивать

rainfall – осадки

Queensland, New South Wales – Кунсленд, Новый Южный Уэльс (названия штатов)


2. 4. Перепишите следующие слова и выражения и напишите их русские эквиваленты:


highly mechanized, human labor, farmers, food, farmland, modern agricultural methods, cropland, leading farm products, cattle, wheat, wool, dairy products, sugar cane, vegetable, rainfall, grapes, wine.


2.5. Закончите предложения, используя предлагаемые варианты:


1. Most of this land is …

a) a fertile land.

b) a dry grazing land.

c) a dry, but fertile land.

2. Farmers use …

d) modern agricultural methods.

e) modern agricultural machines.

f) human labor.

3. Australia's leading farm products by far are …

a) cattle and calves, wheat, and wool.

b) fruit, vegetables and cotton.

c) beet sugar, rice, potatoes, sheep and lambs.

4. Sheep and cattle are raised in …

a) South Australia.

b) New South Wales and South Australia.

c) all the Australian states.


2.6. Перескажите текст

Задание 3


3.1. Прочитайте текст.

3.2. Перепишите и переведите письменно 1-й, 2-й и 3-й абзацы текста на русский язык.

3.3. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и ответьте письменно на них:


1. Is Australia rich in mineral resources?

2. Why are some deposits extremely expensive to mine?

3. What does the mining industry heavily depend on?

4. When did Australia begin to develop its mineral resources?

5. What minerals are the chief products of the mining industry?

6. What minerals does Australia rank first in the production of?





(1) Australia has rich mineral resources. But many of the deposits lie in the dry areas, far from major settlements. Such deposits are extremely expensive to mine. Roads and railroads have to be constructed to the mining sites. Towns must be built for the miners and their families. The costs of mining development in Australia are so high that the mining industry depends heavily on foreign capital. Foreign investors own or control about half of the mining industry.


(2) Australia began to develop its mineral resources during the 1800's. By the end of the century, it was exporting large amounts of copper, gold, lead, silver, tin, and zinc. These minerals remained the chief products of the mining industry through the first half of the 1900's. During the 1950's, geologists discovered huge deposits of bauxite, coal, and iron ore in Australia. They discovered manganese, natural gas, nickel, and petroleum during the 1960's.


(3) Australia has become one of the world's major mining countries. It ranks first in the production of bauxite, diamonds, and lead, and is a leading producer of coal, copper, gold, iron ore, manganese, nickel, silver, tin, titanium, tungsten, zinc, and zircon. Nearly all the world's high-quality opals are mined in Australia.


(4) Western Australia, Queensland, and New South Wales are the leading mining states. Western Australia produces most of the nickel, iron ore, and gold and much of the bauxite.


(5) Queensland is the chief producer of bauxite, copper, and silver. New South Wales leads in the production of coal, lead, and zinc.




mining – добывающая промышленность

mineral resources – полезные ископаемые

deposits – залежи

settlements – селения

cost of mining development – себестоимость разработки месторождений

own – владеть

remain – оставаться

discover – открыть

Queensland, New South Wales – Куинсленд, Новый Южный Уэльс (название штатов)


3.4. Перепишите следующие слова и выражения и напишите их русские эквиваленты:


mineral resources, major settlements, extremely expensive, railroads, mining industry, foreign capital, foreign investors, copper, gold, silver, discover, petroleum, production, iron ore, bauxite.


3.5. Закончите предложения, используя предлагаемые варианты:


1. Many of the deposits lie

a) in the dry areas, far from major settlements.

b) in the dry areas, near the major settlements.

c) in the fertile areas, far from the major settlements.

2. The costs of mining development in Australia are so high that the mining industry …

a) depends heavily on Australian capital.

b) depends heavily on foreign capital.

c) depends heavily on American capital.

3. It ranks first in the production of …

a) bauxite, diamonds, and lead.

b) coal, petroleum and natural gas.

c) iron ore and coal.


3.6. Перескажите текст.

Задание 4


4.1. Прочитайте текст.

4.2 Перепишите и переведите письменно 1-й и 2-й абзацы текста на русский язык.

4.3. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и ответьте письменно на них:


1. Does Australia import or export more manufactured goods?

2. What consumer goods do Australian factories produce?

3. What goods does the nation import?

4. What do Australian factories heavily depend on?

5. Most of Australian factories specialize in assembly work and light manufacturing, don’t they?

6. What are the leading manufactured products?

7. Where are most of the factories located?





(1) Unlike most other developed countries, Australia imports more manufactured goods than it exports. Australian factories produce many of the consumer goods, such as processed foods and household articles, that the people require. But the nation imports most of its producer goods, such as, factory machinery, construction equipment, and other goods used in production. Iron and steel are the chief exceptions. Australia's iron and steel industry produces enough of the metals to meet the needs of other industries. Australia's factories and mining industry depend heavily on foreign capital.


(2) Most of Australia's factories specialize in assembly work and light manufacturing. Many plants process farm products or minerals for export. The leading manufactured products are processed foods; metals, including iron and steel; transportation equipment, including automobiles; paper; chemicals; textiles, clothing, and shoes; and household appliances. New South Wales and Victoria are the chief manufacturing states. Together, these two states have about two-thirds of the country's factories and about two-thirds of the factory workers. Most of the factories are located in and around Sydney and Melbourne.


(3) Forests cover about 6 per cent of Australia. The vast majority of Australia's forest trees are eucalyptuses. The wood of some eucalyptus species is used for making paper and such items as floorboards and furniture. But eucalyptus wood is too hard for most other purposes, including most types of housing construction. Therefore, imported species of softwoods have been planted on tree farms. Monterey pines, which were imported from California, have become Australia's second most important timber trees, after eucalyptuses.




manufacturing – производство

unlike – в отличие от …

manufactured goods – промышленные товары

consumer goods – потребительские товары

household articles – хозтовары

producer goods – товары производственного назначения

meet the needs – удовлетворять потребности

assembly work – сборка


4. 4. Перепишите следующие слова и выражения и напишите их русские эквиваленты:


manufacturing, manufactured goods, consumer goods, processed foods, household articles, producer goods, factory machinery, construction equipment, exceptions, meet the needs, foreign capital, specialize, household appliances.


4.5.Закончите предложения, используя предлагаемые варианты:


1. Australian factories produce …

a) many of the producer goods.

b) many of the consumer goods.

c) many of the household articles.

2. But the nation imports …

a) most of its producer goods.

b) most of its consumer goods.

c) most of its producer goods.

3. Most of Australia's factories specialize in …

a) chemical and textile products.

b) assembly work and light manufacturing.

c) wool and leather products.

4. The leading manufactured products are …

a) processed foods; metals, including iron and steel.

b) machinery and tools.

c) furniture and paper.


4. 6. Перескажите текст.


Задание 5


5.1.Прочитайте текст.

5.2.Перепишите и переведите письменно 1-й, 2-й и 3-й абзацы текста на русский язык.

5.3.Перепишите вопросы к тексту и ответьте письменно на них:


1. How did most Canadians earn a living in colonial times?

2. What are the main economic activities in Canada?

3. What is the Canadian economy based on?

4. What services do national and provincial governments provide?

5. What countries have large investments in Canada?

6. When did a free trade agreement with the United States go into effect?

7. How does Canada use huge quantities of energy?




(1) In colonial times, most Canadians earned a living by farming, fishing, logging, or fur trapping. Today, these industries still serve the needs of Canada's people and produce valuable exports. But the main economic activities in Canada are service industries and manufacturing. Canada's gross national product (GNP)--the total value of all goods and services produced--is among the top 10 in the world.


(2) The Canadian economy is based on private enterprise. But the national and provincial governments play an active role in many economic activities. For example, they provide free health services to all Canadians. The federal and provincial governments also own broadcasting companies, transportation firms, and utilities. They have entered such fields as resource development and the financing of homebuilding and steel making.


(3) Foreign investment and ownership--especially from the United States--have a major influence on Canada's economy. Great Britain, Germany, and Japan also have large investments in Canada. A free trade agreement with the United States went into effect in 1989. The agreement called for the elimination of all tariffs (taxes on imports) between the two countries by 1999.


(4) Canada uses energy at a high rate per person. This rate results largely from the huge quantities needed for certain uses. These uses include providing heat in the severe winters, transportation between distant regions of the country, and processing natural resources. Canada has vast energy resources, but conservation of these resources is essential.


(5) Canada is a leading country in electric power production. Hydroelectric plants supply about 65 per cent of the electricity produced in Canada. Quebec is the leading hydroelectric power producer. Nuclear plants and plants that burn coal each supply about 15 per cent of Canada's electricity.



earn a living - зарабатывать на жизнь

logging – рубка леса

fur trapping – установка капканов на пушного зверя

manufacturing – производство

gross national product – валовой внутренний продукт

enterprise – предприятие

health services – услуги здравоохранения

investments – инвестиции

agreement – соглашение

taxes on import – налоги на импорт

processing – переработка

nuclear plants – атомные станции


5. 4. Перепишите следующие слова и выражения и напишите их русские эквиваленты:


earn a living, logging, service industries, manufacturing, gross national product, private enterprise, national government, play an active role, broadcasting companies, transportation firms, steel making, foreign investment, ownership, agreement, taxes on imports, huge quantities, energy resources, nuclear plants.


5.5. Закончите предложения, используя предлагаемые варианты:


1. In colonial times, most Canadians earned a living by

a) farming, fishing, logging, or fur trapping.

b) farming an fur trapping.

c) farming and logging.

2. The main economic activities in Canada are …

a) services and agriculture.

a) service industries and manufacturing.

b) manufacturing and agriculture.

1. Foreign investment and ownership--especially from the United States--have …

a) no influence on Canada’s economy.

b) little influence on Canada’s economy.

c) a major influence on Canada's economy.


5.6. Перескажите текст.

Задание 6


6.1. Прочитайте текст.

6.2.Перепишите и переведите письменно 1-й, 2-й и 3-й абзацы текста на русский язык.

6.3.Перепишите вопросы к тексту и ответьте письменно на них:


1. What part of Canada’s gross domestic product do service industries account for?

2. Where are service industries especially important?

3. What services form the leading group of services?

4. What is the second most important service industry in terms of the gross domestic product in Canada?

5. Where is the main Canadian stock exchange located?

6. Where are government services centered?



Service Industries


(1) Service Industries account for 70 per cent of Canada's gross domestic product. These industries employ about 73 per cent of the nation's workers. Service industries are especially important in metropolitan areas.


(2) Community, business, and personal services form the leading group of service industries in Canada. This group includes a great variety of activities, such as education and health care, data processing and legal services, and the operation of hotels and recreational facilities. Community, business, and personal services employ about a third of Canada's workers.


(3) Finance, insurance, and real estate form the second most important service industry in Canada in terms of the gross domestic product. Toronto and Montreal are the leading financial centers in Canada. Canada's commercial banking system consists of 8 Canadian-owned banks and 59 small foreign-owned banks. These banks operate about 7,000 branches throughout the country. Trust companies and credit unions also offer banking services. The main Canadian stock exchange is located in Toronto, and smaller stock exchanges operate in Montreal, Vancouver, and Calgary.


(4) Other service industries include government; trade; and transportation, communication, and utilities. Government services, which include military activities, are centered in Ottawa, the nation's capital, and in the provincial capitals and major cities. Retail trade, which consists of such establishments as automobile dealerships and grocery stores, employs many people in large cities. Foreign trade, transportation, and communication are discussed later in this section.




services – услуги

gross domestic product – валовый внутренний продукт

employ – использовать, задействовать

community services – коммунальные услуги

health care – здравоохранение

data processing – обработка данный

recreational facilities – развлекательные центры

insurance – страхование

branch – филиал

stock exchange - биржа



6.4. Перепишите следующие слова и выражения и напишите их русские эквиваленты:


service industries, gross domestic products, metropolitan areas,.community, education, health care, data processing, legal services, employ, finance, insurance, real estate, banking system, branch, stock exchange, government services, grocery stores, retail trade.


6.5. Закончите предложения, используя предлагаемые варианты:


1. Service industries are especially important in ….

a) metropolitan and rural areas.

b) metropolitan areas.

c) rural areas.

2. Community, business, and personal services employ …

a) almost all Canadian workers.

b) about a third of Canadian workers.

c) about a half of Canadian workers.

3.Toronto and Montreal are ….

a) the leading commercial centers.

b) the leading rural centers.

c) the leading financial centers.


6.6. Перескажите текст.

Задание 7


7.1.Прочитайте текст.

7.2. Перепишите и переведите письменно 1-й, 2-й и 3-й абзацы текста на русский язык.

7.3. Перепишите вопросы к тексту и ответьте письменно на них:


1. What part of the gross domestic product does manufacturing provide?

2. What two broad fields is manufacturing in Canada divided into?

3. Transportation equipment ranks as the nation’s top manufacturing industry, doesn’t it?

4. What does the Canadian food-processing industry handle?

5. What chemical products does chemical industry produce?

6. Where are major producers of primary metals situated?





(1) Manufacturing provides 17 per cent of the gross domestic product. Manufacturing in Canada is divided about equally into two broad fields. The first involves processing minerals and other natural resources for export, and the second provides products for use by Canadians. Factories in Ontario and Quebec produce more than three-fourths of the value of Canada's manufactured goods. Transportation equipment ranks as the nation's top manufacturing industry, followed by processed foods and chemicals.

(2) In the transportation equipment industry, U.S. and Japanese automobile manufacturers operate plants in Ontario and Quebec. Automobile plants in Canada also assemble Japanese and Korean cars. About a million automobiles roll off the assembly lines of these plants yearly. The industry also produces trucks and aircraft.


(3) The Canadian food-processing industry handles chiefly meat and poultry products. Toronto is the major meat-packing center. Other leading products of the food-processing industry include dairy products; flour, cereals, and livestock feed; fish products; canned and frozen fruits and vegetables; baked goods; soft drinks; and beer, wine, and liquor.


(4) Canada's chemical industry produces chiefly industrial chemical products. Other leading chemical products include drugs and medicines, plastics, paints and varnishes, cleaning products, and fertilizers.


(5) Other important manufacturing industries in Canada produce paper products, primary metals, electrical equipment, fabricated metal products, refined petroleum and coal products, wood products, and printed materials. Quebec is one of the world's leading paper-producing regions. Telecommunications equipment, electric industrial equipment, and computers are the main electrical products. Steel mills in Hamilton, Ontario, and aluminum plants in Quebec are major producers of primary metals.




manufacturing - производство

gross domestic product – валовой внутренний продукт

divide – делить

process – переработка

manufactured goods – промышленные товары

equipment – оборудование

operate – управлять

aicraft – самолеты

dairy products – молочные товары


7.4. Перепишите следующие слова и выражения и напишите их русские эквиваленты:


manufacturing, gross domestic product, involve, natural resources, manufactured goods, transportation equipment, processed foods, chemicals, assemble, roll off, trucks and aircraft, dairy products, cereals, livestock feed, canned and frozen fruits, industrial chemical products, drugs, paints and varnishes, wood products, producer.


7.5. Закончите предложения, используя предлагаемые варианты:


1..Manufacturing in Canada is divided about equally into …

a) several broad fields.

b) two broad fields.

c) three broad fields

2. Transportation equipment ranks as the nation's top manufacturing industry, followed by…

a) refined petroleum and coal products.

b) chemical products.

c) processed foods and chemicals

2. The Canadian food-processing industry handles ….

a) chiefly meat and poultry products.

b) cereals and livestock feeds.

c) canned and frozen fruits.


7.6. Перескажите текст

Задание 8

8.1. Прочитайте текст.

8.2. Перепишите и переведите письменно 1-й, 2-й и 3-й абзацы текста на русский язык.

8.3. Ответьте письменно на вопросы к тексту:


1. What part of Canada’s GDP does agriculture account?

2. What is the average farm size?

3. What are the leading Canadian agricultural products?

4. Where do barley, flaxseed, oats, canola and rye grow?

5. How are barley, oats and rye mainly used?

6. What do farmers produce in the St.Lawrence Lowlands produce?





(1) Agriculture accounts for 2 per cent of Canada's GDP (Gross Domestic Product). Canada has about 300,000 farms. The average farm size is 572 acres (231 hectares). Wheat, beef cattle, milk, and hogs account for more than half of Canada's total farm income. Other leading products include barley, chickens and eggs, corn, and canola, used to make cooking oil.


(2) More than three-fourths of Canada's farmland is located in the Prairie Provinces. Saskatchewan produces more than half of Canada's wheat, and farmers in Alberta and Manitoba raise most of the rest. Barley, flaxseed, oats, canola, and rye grow in the north of Canada's wheat-growing areas. Barley, oats, and rye are used mainly for livestock feed. Alberta is Canada's leading producer of beef cattle. Farmers in the Prairie Provinces also raise dairy cattle, hogs, and poultry.


(3) The St. Lawrence Lowlands form Canada's other major agricultural region. Farmers there produce a variety of products, including beef cattle, grains, milk, and vegetables. Southern Ontario's warm summers and long growing season enable farmers to grow a variety of specialty crops, including corn, fruits, vegetables, and tobacco. Quebec leads the provinces in the production of milk. Quebec farmers also raise hogs, poultry, beef cattle, apples, and vegetables.


(4) Government marketing agencies establish production quotas and price supports to protect Canadian farmers. The federal and provincial governments also provide credit, as well as technical and management assistance, to farmers. In many areas, farmers have formed cooperatives. These organizations market the farmers' products and supply goods and services needed in farming.




agriculture – сельское хозяйство


income – доход

canola –

farmland – фермерские угодья

Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba, Quebec – Саскечеван, Альберта, Манитоба, Квебек

(провинции в Канаде)

livestock – домашний скот

flaxfeed – льняное семя

cattle – крупнорогатый скот

establish production quotas – устанавливать нормы выработки

price support – минимальная цена, гарантируемая правительством фермерам


8.4.Перепишите следующие слова и выражения и напишите их русские эквиваленты:


agriculture, Gross Domestic Product, farm size, beef cattle, farm income, leading products, raise, barley, rye, wheat-growing areas, livestock feed, agricultural region, variety of products, corn, poultry, government marketing agencies, provide credit, supply goods.


8.5. Закончите предложения, используя предлагаемые варианты:


  1. Wheat, beef cattle, milk, and hogs account for …

a) more than half of Canada's total farm income.

b) more than one third of Canada’s farm income.

c) less than half of Canada’s farm income.

  1. Barley, oats, and rye are used…

a) mainly for export.

b) mainly for livestock feed.

c) mainly for processed foods.

  1. Alberta is Canada's leading producer of….

a) crops, including corn, fruits, vegetables, and tobacco.

b) grains, milk, and vegetables.

c) beef cattle.

  1. Quebec farmers also raise…

a) hogs, poultry, beef cattle, apples, and vegetables.

b) beef cattle.

c) calves and sheep.


8.6. Перескажите текст.


9. Прочитайте диалог, перепишите его и переведите письменно на русский язык.




- Excuse me … Are you Mr. Cartwright?

- Yes.

- I’m Vladimir Ivanov, from TST Systems. How do you do?

- How do you do?

- Have I kept you waiting?

- Oh, no … the plane’s just arrived. Thank you for coming to meet me.

- Not at all. Did you have a good trip?

- Yes, thank you. I was a bit air-sick, but now I’m O.K.

- My car’s just outside the airport. My driver will take your suitcase.

- Thank you.


10. Прочитайте диалог, перепишите его и переведите письменно на русский язык.




- We are going to our office in the centre of the city. It’ll take us about half an hour to get there. Mr. Pospelov is waiting for you.

- Please, remind me who Mr. Pospelov is.

- He’s our Director General. He is going to discuss with you the details of our future agreement.

- Which hotel am I staying at?

- We’ve reserved a single room with private bathroom at a hotel near the centre.

- That’ O.K. Thank you very much.


11. Прочитайте диалог, перепишите его и переведите письменно на русский язык.




- I’d like you to meet Mr. Pospelov, our Director General.

- Glad to meet you Mr. Pospelov.

- Glad to meet you too. Have you ever been to Gomel before?

- No, it’s my first visit to Gomel.

- What are your first impressions of Gomel?

- I like Gomel, it’s a very beautiful city and quite different from London.

- I hope you’ll enjoy your visit Mr. Cartwrite.

- Let me introduce my staff to you. This is my secretary, Miss Krivenko.

- Nice to meet you, Miss Krivenko.

- Nice to meet you too. Call me Ann.

- I also want you to meet Victor Volgin, our Sales Manager. You’ve already met Mr. Ivanov.



12. Прочитайте диалог, перепишите его и переведите письменно на русский язык.



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