Тhе doctor (выписал) а prescription for injections of nicotinic acid. — КиберПедия 

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Тhе doctor (выписал) а prescription for injections of nicotinic acid.

2017-12-09 193
Тhе doctor (выписал) а prescription for injections of nicotinic acid. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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А. was writing out

В. writed out

С. write out

D. wrote out

54. Cancer … already … (распространился) all over the body.

А. spread

В. has spreading

С. was spreading

D. has spread


55. Now the surgeon … (выполняет) a tooth implantation.

А. performs

В. is performing

С. had performed

D. performed


56. Yesterday the surgeon… (выполнил) a very complicated operation on the maxilla.

А. performs

В. performed

С. was performed

D. perform


57. – Where is doctor N. now? – He… (осматривает) the patient.

А. examines

В. examine

С. is examining

D. is examined


58. The patient… (был переведен) to the intensive care unit because his condition became bad.

A. was transfer

B. were transferred

C. was transferring

D. was transferred


59. The doctor on duty… (делает) the round of wards every morning.

A. makes

B. has made

C. is making

D. make


60. The assistants… just … (подготовили) everything for the operation.

A. has prepared

B. have prepared

C. had prepared

D. have been prepared


61. Inflammation of the gums (называется) gingivitis.

А. calls

В. is called

С. call

D. is call


62. Sometimes both jaws … (вовлекаются) in the inflammatory process.

А. is involving

В. involve

С. involved

D. are involved


63. Тhen the formation of cavities … (начинается).

А. begin

В. began

С. begins

D. is begun


64. If the tooth cavity … (остается) unclosed, the process can involve the pulp.

А. remained

В. remains

С. remain

D. is remained


65. The patient … (жалуется) of a slight pain in the left lower canine.

A. complains

B. complaints

C. had complained

D. complain


66. I … (поступил) Krasnoyarsk Medical University two years ago.

А. was entering

В. enter

С. entered

D. was entered


67. Тhе children … (спят) now.

A. is sleeping

B. were sleeping

C. slept

D. are sleeping


68.Тhе bоу … (будет госпитализирован) tomorrow.

А. will hospitalize

В. will hospitalized

С. will be hospitalize

D. will bе hospitalized


69. Тhе Professor … (осмотрит) him tomorrow.

А. will be examining

В. will have examined

С. will examine

D. will be examined


70. Chemotherapy … often … (используется) in cancer treatment.

A. is using

B. are used

C. use

D. is used


71. Caries prophylaxis methods … (основаны) on good oral cavity hygiene.

А. is basing

В. based

С. are based

D. were based


72. She … (жаловалась) of gingival hemorrhage.

А. complain

В. complains

С. complained

D. is complaint


73. The term “cancer” … (обозначает) a group of malignant diseases.

А. meant

В. means

С. meaning

D. mean


74. After implantation the patient’s oral cavity … (осматривают) regularly.

А. is examined

В. are examined

С. examines

D. examined


75. Ten days before admission to the dental department of the hospital he … (перенёс) pneumonia.

А. had

В. had been having

С. had had

D. has had


76. Soon afterwards the patient … (почувствовал) a little better.

A. is feeling

В. feels

С. felt

D. was feeling


77. The temperature … (понижается) gradually.

А. is decreasing

В. decreases

С. decreasing

D. is decreased


78. … you ever … (болел) with stomatitis?

A. has be ill

B. have been ill

C. were ill

D. was ill


79. Loosening of the teeth … (было вызвано) by periodontal disease.

A. was caused

B. caused

C. were caused

D. was causing


80. The X-ray examination … (не показала) any changes.

A. doesn’t shows

B. don’t shows

C. didn’t show

D. don’t show


81. Inflammation of the gums … (известно) as gingivitis.

А. known

В. is known

С. was known

D. is knew


82. The patient … (выздоравливает) after a serious operation.

А. were recovering

В. has recovered

С. is recovering

D. are recovered


83. Тhe doctor … (не рекомендовал) any additional examinations.

А. hadn’t recommend

В. didn’t recommend

С. don’t recommend

D. weren’t recommend


84. The appetite usually … (улучшается) when the patient recovers.

А. improves

В. improved

С. improve

D. was improved


85. Implantation … (будет проведена) in two weeks.

A. will be performed

B. will perform

C. were performed

D. was performed


86. The inflammatory process … (развивался) for two weeks.

А. was developing

В. was developed

С. were developing

D. are developing


87. Тhе necrotized pulp … (была удалена).

A. removed

B. was being removed

C. was removing

D. was removed


88. Тhе abscess … (не сформировался) yet.

А. is not forming

В. has not formed

С. is not formed

D. had not formed


89. When he comes, I … (осмотрю) him immediately.

А. shall have examined

В. shall be examining

С. shall examine

D. shall be examined


90. Antibacterial therapy … (назначается) in case of inflammation.

A. administering

B. administers

C. was administered

D. is administered


Подберите перевод модального глагола:

Тhе dentist must use an X-ray examination to make a correct diagnosis.

А. может

В. должен

С. возможно

D. был должен


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