Саша(Презентация):The history of Internet — КиберПедия 

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Саша(Презентация):The history of Internet

2017-11-16 236
Саша(Презентация):The history of Internet 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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3) What do you like to do in the Internet? (Вера Ивановна)


Артур: Speaker A.

I go onto websites about sport. I’m into skateboarding, so I go onto skate­boarding websites. I watch a lot of skateboarding videos on YouTube. I go on things like My Space, where I can talk to friends from school. If I’m doing school work, I use Google and Wikipedia, which can be really useful.


Денис: Speaker B.

I use the Net mainly for Facebook. You post a photo and a profile of yourself. You can say what you want — biography, hobbies, interests, music, films. You J control who can see your profile. Other people search for friends, people who share common interests. When you identify someone on the site you’d like to meet, you can ask to become a friend.

Рита: Speaker C.

I use Internet banking. It's good because I can get my balance any time of day or night, I can transfer money instantly. So I like paying bills online. I just log onto my bank and click on ’Pay Now’, and the bill is paid immediately. I also book restaurants, cinema tickets, holidays this way. It's easy and suits me.

Соня: Speaker D.

I don't like reading onscreen, and I don't like watching DVDs, either, but I do, use the Net for three things. I email a lot with Hotmail. I get the news every day on The Guardian website. And I also check the weather every day. I get up In the morning and get a weather forecast for my town for early morning, mid-morning, and early afternoon, and evening. Then, and only then, I get dressed.

Настя: Speaker E.

I`ve gone onto a website called Friends Reunited, and I`ve met up with people from my school days. And I`ve researched my family history and traced my ancestors back over two hundred years. I`m retired, so I have lots of time to do these things. I like to keep up my languages, so I watch the news in Spanish and in French, to.

Всего на 5 минут

Видео Лиза и Рита


Scene 1

Rita: Lisa, its you?
Lisa:... Oh my God... Rita...

Rita: What are you doing here?
Lisa: I have came for the holidays, how are you?
Rita: I’m fine. A you busynow?Let’s us go to college.
Lisa: Ok.


Scene 2

Lisa: Do you study at the aviation college?

Rita: Yes, at the Department of Programming

I am interested in computer science (2) and want to be a computer programmer. I have a computer at home and can spend hours working at it. It is a completely new world. Computers greatly simplify (3) day-to-day life. It is much easier to do some things on the computer. It solves (4) in seconds the problems generations of mathematicians would need months or years to solve.
I think that the profession of a programmer will give me many opportunities. Computing is the most rapidly changing sphere of a modern technology. We are living in the age of information. Today it's even hard to tell all the uses the computer may have in the future

Lisa: Oh... this is excellent.. I have long been fond of computers

Rita: The truth? Excellent. Can you help me with a report on the development of the computer and its role in the modern world.

Lisa: Of course, write...


Computers have changed the lives of everyone. A few decades ago, people did not even know anything about these electronic devices, whereas nowadays even a small child can operate this machine. Almost all modern technology depends on the computers that are used to store data files, classified information, banking and more.

Computers of various types and sizes are used in modern society. Interestingly, the first computer was the size of a minivan and weighing nearly a ton. While today it may be a small chip the size of a pin. And computer technology does not stand still, they are rapidly progressing.

Perhaps the next generation of computers will be able to talk and think like people. Many people believe computers dangerous and time consuming. On the other hand, computers are very fast, and rarely mistaken. They save a lot of time, and also all the necessary information can be found on the Internet. So, instead of having to go to libraries and other institutions, we can just go on the web.

Another advantage is the ability to instantly send emails, while some time ago, we had to wait weeks or months to be delivered. In addition, with the help of computers and internet, shopping has become much easier. First, we can find what we do want, and secondly, you can choose a reasonable price, and, thirdly, we can deliver the selected product.

In the end, the computer has become the most useful tool in the house every now and they certainly have changed our lives for the better.

Rita- thanks you very much helped me


Всего 5:14 минут

7) Слова Веры Ивановны:

The Internet is very helpful, because it’s a huge database of knowledge, from the pictures of family trips to an analysis of quantum mechanics. Everyone should have the Internet because of its near instantaneous communication and huge wealth of knowledge. But how to go on the Internet and do a search for information we need. There are two ways to do it.



Searching on the Internet

In Russia, more and more people are using the Internet year on year. The number of users is growing on average from 30% to 40% a year. At the moment over 59 million people in Russia use the Internet. Together they account for over 51% percent of all visits to Russian pages on the Web.

For millions of people of different professions the Internet has become a perfect tool in their job and universal means of entertainment in leisure time. In that light, modern software systems are necessary to effectively deal with the issues related to user search of necessary information on the Web. Information resources available on the Internet are enormous. These include tens of millions of documents available in different ways, the number of which is increasing.

Special search engines have been developed to search for information on the Internet. A search engine is a combination of software and hardware systems designed for surfing the Internet and responding to user request, made as a text phrase (search query), in the form of links to sources of information, in order of relevance (according to the request).

Вопрос 1. What are the main international search engines?(Рита)

Ответ 1. The main international search engines are: «Google», «Yahoo», «MSN». On the Russian Internet they are - "Yandex", "Rambler", "Aport".

The primary objective of any search engine is to deliver people the exact information they are looking for. Actually, it is impossible to teach all users to make "right" queries, i.e. requests consistent with the principles of search engines. Therefore, developers create such algorithms and principles of search engines that would allow users to find the information they need.

This means, a search engine should "think" in the same way as the user does while searching. When a user makes a request to a search engine, he wants to find what he needs as quickly and easily as possible.

Вопрос 2. How can you estimate the work of a research system?(Саша)

Ответ 2. Having got the result, a user evaluates the system by several basic parameters. What information did he find? How quickly did the program process the request? How effriciant was the work of the search program? Will you find necessary information in a week or in a month?

In order to satisfy these requirements, developers of search engines are constantly improving the algorithms and principles of search, add new features and capabilities, and do their best to speed up the system.


Let’s describe the main characteristics of search system:

• Completeness

Completeness - is one of the main characteristics of the search system, which is the ratio of the number of documents found by the query to the total number of documents on the Internet that satisfy this request.

Вопрос 3.I don’t understand. What can you tell us about a complete request?(Соня)

For example, if the Internet has 100 pages containing the phrase "how to choose a car," and, upon request, found only 60 of them, you will find the fullness of 0.6.

• Accuracy

Accuracy – is the another main feature search system, which is determined by the degree of conformity of documents found user request.

Вопрос 4. And what about primery accuracy request?(Настя)

Ответ 4. If there are 100 documents to the query "how to choose a car, 50 of which contain the phrase "how to choose a car," and the rest simply are present, these words ("how to choose and install the radio in the car"), then the accuracy of the search is equal to 50/100 (0.5).

The more the precise of the search, is the more the user will find the requested documents, the fewer different kinds of "garbage" of them will meet, the more rarely found documents will not match the request.

• Topically

Topically –is another important part of the search, which is characterized by a time, starting from the date of publication on the Internet, before adding them to the index base of the search system. For example, the day after the exciting news, many users turned to search system to match the query.

• Search speed

Search speed is closely related to its resistance to stress. For example, according to the LLC "Rambler Internet Holding", during working hours come to the search system Rambler about 60 requests per second. This load will require a reduction of processing time a single request. Here the interests of users and search systems are the same: the visitor wishes to get results as quickly as possible, and the search system to process the request as quickly as possible so as not to hinder the calculation following queries.

• Illustrative

Clear presentation of the results is an important component of the easy search. For most queries search system finds hundreds, if not thousands of documents. Due to lack of clarity write of queries or inaccurate search, even the first page does not always contain the necessary information.

Search Technologies for the Internet is improving day by day. Information is grows. Search for information in paper sources is much longer than the via internet. In the future, people will look for information only on the internet. But do not forget that the information on the Internet comes from the books, so the first thing when looking for information is the ussue of the book.

Вопрос (Артур). How can we communicate to each other in internet?

По времени 8 мин.

Настя и Соня

Definition of the term "Internet"

Internet (English Internet, of Interconnected Networks - converged networks, [internet] slang. 'Net, NET) - a global telecommunication network of information and computing resources. Is the physical basis for the World Wide Web. Often referred to as the World Network, Wide Area Network, or simply the Web.

Вопрос:What is the social network?(Денис)

Social networks.

The Social Network is an interactive multi-user web-site, the content of which is filled by the participants of the resource.

Social network is aimed at building online communities of people with similar interests and / or activities. Communication is done through a web service internal mail, or instant messaging (English Instant messenger, IM).

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